The Edina Chorale, under The direction of Thomas Paulson, is an 85+ voice choir with a commitment to excellence and a varied repertoire. We range in age from 18 to 75. We strive to inspire singers, audiences and community through The beauty and Power of... One';">moreOne;">The Edina Chorale, under The direction of Thomas Paulson, is an 85+ voice choir with a commitment to excellence and a varied repertoire. We range in age from 18 to 75. We strive to inspire singers, audiences and community through The beauty and Power of diverse chorale music. We perform four major concerts per year, including a holiday program, a classical performance with orchestra, and a spring pops concert.
Men of Faith Passing on The Faith through Songs of Praise: Continuing The Gospel Quartet tradition at Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.), The mission of The Augsburg Centennial Singers is to present concerts that personalize a Christian faith a... One';">moreOne;">Men of Faith Passing on The Faith through Songs of Praise: Continuing The Gospel Quartet tradition at Augsburg College (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.), The mission of The Augsburg Centennial Singers is to present concerts that personalize a Christian faith and encourage listeners to establish and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ and to provide a fellowship for men who find joy in singing songs that have musical excellence, address The heart and reflect a variety of musical traditions. This video was recorded in September 2008. For more information about The Centennial Singers, go to: One';">less
Ghana community choir was formed to celebrate The unique and inspirational Power of indigenous African Gospel music. The 15 strong member choir, under The direction of Berima Amo, draws on The youth living in The Amsterdam area especially in The SouTheast... One';">moreOne;">Ghana community choir was formed to celebrate The unique and inspirational Power of indigenous African Gospel music. The 15 strong member choir, under The direction of Berima Amo, draws on The youth living in The Amsterdam area especially in The SouTheast parts. The choir is dedicated to sharing The joy of faith through indigenous music with audiences around Europe. We specialize in singing indidenous and folk music music from Ghana, West Africa, proudly exhibiting, learning and teaching our African heritage to The world. GCC meets every monday 7pm to sing, discuss about life, encourage each oTher and share ideas. One';">less
Full Circle Women's Choir is inspired by The hope of building bridges and creating a cooperative spirit with all people and promises excellence in women's choral music. We accomplish our mission by combining The Power of women's experience with musical ex... One';">moreOne;">Full Circle Women's Choir is inspired by The hope of building bridges and creating a cooperative spirit with all people and promises excellence in women's choral music. We accomplish our mission by combining The Power of women's experience with musical expression in The following ways: 1) each season we commission One new piece for women's voices from a female composer; 2) each season, we research, uncover and perform a work for women's voices by a female composer who has been overlooked in music history; 3) we provide an annual scholarship to One girl to sing with The Phoenix Girl's Chorus and 4) each season, we perform two annual concerts and a variety of local performances in our communities and schools. One';">less
They all shall sweetly obey thy will: Peace, be still; peace, be still. All knees shall bow and all tongues shall confess The awesome Power of God. Whatever our trials may be, The Lord God Jehovah shall calm The troubles and They shall be still and... One';">moreOne;">They all shall sweetly obey thy will: Peace, be still; peace, be still. All knees shall bow and all tongues shall confess The awesome Power of God. Whatever our trials may be, The Lord God Jehovah shall calm The troubles and They shall be still and at peace. - The Musikteers Ensemble Gh @Hope Channel Ghana @3ABN Praise Him @HARMONIOUS CHORALE GHANA @One VOICE CHOIR GHANA @His Voice GH @The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square @VOCES8 @The Sixteen
Bienvenue! to The Brigham Young University Men’s Chorus, 180 stripling singers who inspire Their audiences with exceptional music brimming with Power. We may be studying physics, philosophy or French in our off hours, yet once we don The Blue Blazer our v... One';">moreOne;">Bienvenue! to The Brigham Young University Men’s Chorus, 180 stripling singers who inspire Their audiences with exceptional music brimming with Power. We may be studying physics, philosophy or French in our off hours, yet once we don The Blue Blazer our voices and hearts are unified in singing about all that is good in The world. Reverent to rambunctious, Hebrew to Hindi, our broTherhood would like to share it all with you.
Vocabella Singapore, an emerging ladies choir, was founded in September 2022 with a strong commitment to emPowering women through The transformative Power of choral music. The choir was founded by Marcus Lee, with a vision of promoting and cultivating int... One';">moreOne;">Vocabella Singapore, an emerging ladies choir, was founded in September 2022 with a strong commitment to emPowering women through The transformative Power of choral music. The choir was founded by Marcus Lee, with a vision of promoting and cultivating interest and appreciation for choral literature within Singapore. The choir is dedicated to artistic excellence, and endeavors to explore and analyze choral literature to achieve this goal.
Experience The enchanting world of Gregorian Chant with this mesmerizing music video showcasing The magical Power of this ancient music. Let The soothing melodies transport you to a place of peace and tranquility, providing healing and stress relief. Imme... One';">moreOne;">Experience The enchanting world of Gregorian Chant with this mesmerizing music video showcasing The magical Power of this ancient music. Let The soothing melodies transport you to a place of peace and tranquility, providing healing and stress relief. Immerse yourself in The melodic harmonies that will take you to seventh heaven, evoking wonderment and a sense of eThereal vibes. Discover The heartfelt and angelic sounds that resonate with your soul, as you feel The presence of your guardian angel through this medieval art form. Share this video and let oThers bask in The beauty of These sacred sounds. All rights belong to Ultraphonic Music Library. One';">less
El Mediodía, del Poema Coral del Atlántico Juan José Falcón Sanabria, música Orlando Hernández, letra Coral Reyes Bartlet José Híjar Polo, director Sala Teobaldo Power, 8 de noviembre de 2000 Concierto de los Estrenos Mundiales a la Composición... One';">moreOne;">El Mediodía, del Poema Coral del Atlántico Juan José Falcón Sanabria, música Orlando Hernández, letra Coral Reyes Bartlet José Híjar Polo, director Sala Teobaldo Power, 8 de noviembre de 2000 Concierto de los Estrenos Mundiales a la Composición y Expresión Coral del Gobierno de Canarias Gabación: Estudios AZEL por Domingo Mesa
A South African song, brought to our attention by The GasWorks Choir detailing The lament of a somewhat sickly person, swiftly resuscitated by The Power of music......! Bristol Gurt Lush Choir. Debut Concert at The Colston Hall, in collaboration with B... One';">moreOne;">A South African song, brought to our attention by The GasWorks Choir detailing The lament of a somewhat sickly person, swiftly resuscitated by The Power of music......! Bristol Gurt Lush Choir. Debut Concert at The Colston Hall, in collaboration with Bristol Male Voice Choir. 290 Singers, 1500+ Audience. Several thousand raised for St Peters Hospice. Where were you? ;-)