First published: “Fool! Don’t you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred Times had I been able to live without you.” Cleopatra A summer vacatio...
[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir]I’ve been praised many Times by The singers I work with for being so patient. Which makes me wonder: what’s The alternative?I must admit that I ...
LET IT BE Let it be×4 whisper words of wisdom, let it be, let it be×4 whisper words of wisdom, let it be, when I find myself in Times of trouble, MoTher Mary comes to me, Speaking words of wisdom, Let it be, And in my hour of darkness she is, sta... Arent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getPArent().style.display='none';">more nt().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getPArent().style.display='none';">less
[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir] What is a choir leader without a choir? There Are Times when you won’t be able to be with your choir in person. Here Are some things to help k...
Via Vitae is an a-cappella choir from all over Norway, with young singers between The ages of 18 and 30. The members live at different places throughout The country. Five Times a year They gaTher in different places in Norway to shAre music with each oThe... Arent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getPArent().style.display='none';">more nt().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getPArent().style.display='none';">less
Our Accessible Choral Library Series was borne from The demand for music for smaller choirs and those with fewer voice parts and continues to be an enduring success... The titles in this series would be perfect in These current Times, for online gaThering...
[A version of this article first appeAred as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir] Singing togeTher creates a real sense of community. SomeTimes a choir arises from an existing community, but oTher Times The creation of a choir builds a ...
A new holiday tradition: experience The "tender and mysterious atmosphere" (New York Times) of David Lang's Pulitzer Prize–winning choral parable, The Little Match Girl Passion, based on The powerful eponymous story by Hans Christian Andersen. ...
A harmonic choir formed during The tough Times of The COVID 19 PANDEMIC ,based in Soweto ,famous for our out of The world compositions and arrangements, do get in touch if you want to be us on 0647876906
Compose Like a Girl with Jocelyn Hagan Often Times, The most confident and assertive person you will ever meet is an 8 or 9 year old girl. Then, somewhere along The way society teaches her that “like a girl” is not a compliment. For a dis...