International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


7,410 results found
אתה לי ארץ - מקהלת שיר א-ל Ata Li Eretz - Shir E-l Choir
video: אתה לי ארץ - מקהלת שיר א-ל Ata Li Eretz - Shir E-l Choir

הופעת מקהלת "שיר א-ל" בניצוחה של נעמי טפלו. המרכז לשירת המקהלה בבית הספר למוזיקה קדומים, בכנס מקהלות של בתי הספר העל יסודיים בחמ"ד תשע"ב שהתקיים באוניברסיטת בר אילן. הפקה:ארט אופיס סטודיו The Shir E-l Choir, Cond: Nomi Teplow, The Center for Choral Singi...  more

Medallion Choir
group: Medallion Choir

Founded by friendship the Choir was conceived in the minds of sisters Ana, Rita, and Cielo Bansuli together with their neighbor, sisters Melvic and Marivic Matalang. It started out with one small group of friends made up of mostly teenagers. The group ...  more

video: PSM FKM UNDIP - Lir Ilir

Sanita Melodia Choir (PSM FKM UNDIP) at LPS USM VIII 2014

Ascendis Choir - Hallelujah (fragment) - arr. Pentatonix
video: Ascendis Choir - Hallelujah (fragment) - arr. Pentatonix

Solistă: Cristina Popa Dirijor: Eduard Dinu

blog: The singers who didn’t like warm ups (and what became of them)

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Once upon a time there were two singers: Olga and Little Erik. They  did not like Choir warm ups. Olga always came late so she could avoid them. Littl...

MARVELOUS OVERTURE by Marvelous Inspirational Choir
video: MARVELOUS OVERTURE by Marvelous Inspirational Choir

A powerful rendition by the Marvelous Inspirational Choir at the Marvelous Praise 2019 Recorded By Team YANKYES #Like #share #Subscribe follow for more on

Evening Bells—Abendglocken—Вечерний звон
video: Evening Bells—Abendglocken—Вечерний звон

Vitaly Filippov (tenor, a member of the Choir) Recorded May 24, 2005 in the State Historical Museum (Moscow, Red Square) -------------------------------------------------------- The lyrics of the song is Thomas Moor's (1779—1852) "Those Evening B...  more

Mary, Did You Know? (B. Greene / M. Lowry, arr. T. Veršić) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir
video: Mary, Did You Know? (B. Greene / M. Lowry, arr. T. Veršić) - "M. Marulić" High School Mixed Choir

Lyrics: Mark Lowry Recorded at Vestibule in Split, Croatia, on May 29, 2021. recording and production: Bernard Kahle

The Dream Choir
group: The Dream Choir

We are a community Choir taught mostly by ear. We do provide music for those who want it, but you are not required to audition or read music. All are welcome. We do a fun variety of world music, pop classics, and whatever else we feel like. We do one perf...  more