International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


1,175 results found
Danny Boy - Gresley Male Voice Choir
video: Danny Boy - Gresley Male Voice Choir

by Edward Weatherly, arr P J Ward 2000

Dalmatino povišću pritrujena - vokalna skupina Gallina (Ljubo Stipišić Delmata, arr. Andrej Makor)
video: Dalmatino povišću pritrujena - vokalna skupina Gallina (Ljubo Stipišić Delmata, Arr. Andrej Makor)

Naslov/ Title: Dalmatino povišću pritrujena/ The overtired story of Dalmatia Skladatelj/Composer: Ljubo Stipišić Delmata, Arr. Andrej Makor Besedilo/Lyrics: Ljubo Stipišić Delmata Izvajalec/ Performer: Vokalna skupina Gallina Producent/Producer: Dani...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Naslov/ Title: Dalmatino povišću pritrujena/ The overtired story of Dalmatia Skladatelj/Composer: Ljubo Stipišić Delmata, Arr. Andrej Makor Besedilo/Lyrics: Ljubo Stipišić Delmata Izvajalec/ Performer: Vokalna skupina Gallina Producent/Producer: Daniel Svenšek Snemalec/ Recording: Aleksander Govekar Foto: Janez Kotar Posneto/ Recorded: Februar 2016, Kazinska dvorana Ljubljana/ Kazina hall Ljubljana Besedilo pesmi, ki je mešanica različnih dalmatinskih dialektov govori o stoletnem suženjstvu in težkem življenju Dalmatincev, ki so z žuljavimi rokami v potu svojega obraza obdelovali neprijazno kamnito zemljo in tlakovali dalmatinska mesta. Sicer si niti rojeni Dalmatinci niso enotni o točnem prevodu besedila./ The story in different dalmatinian dialects is about houndred years of slavery and hard life in Dalmatia (Croatia). The dalmatian people built all the dalmatian cities mostly builded with stone and they have to protect their land if they want to live there where the wind can be strong and life har...    is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Santcus Libera Arr. by Law X. Okon Performed by the Golden Voices Choir FUTO
video: Santcus Libera Arr. by Law X. Okon Performed by the Golden Voices Choir FUTO

Sancus Libera Arr. by Law X. Okon Performed by the Golden Voices Choir FUTO at the 11th edition of her annual Concert CANZONA 11_ The Festival Of Unending Praise; directed and Conducted by Okere Chibuzor Ben-Mary Martins . Based on Pachbell's Canon in D...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Sancus Libera Arr. by Law X. Okon Performed by the Golden Voices Choir FUTO at the 11th edition of her annual Concert CANZONA 11_ The Festival Of Unending Praise; directed and Conducted by Okere Chibuzor Ben-Mary Martins . Based on Pachbell's Canon in D major. happy listening. # #gvc #choir #Canzona11 #classicalmusic  

Carry it On - Appalachian Traditional Arr. By J. David Moore and the Foggy Hogtown Boys
video: Carry it On - Appalachian Traditional Arr. By J. David Moore and the Foggy Hogtown Boys

from the recording: 'The Circle Never Ends' Cantores Celestes Womens Choir Kelly Galbraith, Director The Foggy Hogtown Boys Kelly Galbraith, Producer  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">from the recording: 'The Circle Never Ends' Cantores Celestes Womens Choir Kelly Galbraith, Director The Foggy Hogtown Boys Kelly Galbraith, Producer (Themes & Variations) (Have Organ Shoes Will Travel)  

Duerme Negrito – Atahualpa Yupanqui/arr. Solé
video: Duerme Negrito – Atahualpa Yupanqui/Arr. Solé

Vox Grata Women's Choir - Nashville, TN, May 24, 2015

Away from the Roll of the Sea - Allister MacGillivray/arr. Loomer
video: Away from the Roll of the Sea - Allister MacGillivray/Arr. Loomer

Vox Grata Women's Choir - Nashville, TN, May 24, 2015

Ah! si mon moine voulait danser, arr. by Donald Patriquin
video: Ah! si mon moine voulait danser, Arr. by Donald Patriquin

Vox Grata Women's Choir - May 24, 2016

Christsmatime Saturday 12 1 2018
video: Christsmatime Saturday 12 1 2018

Music by Michael W Smith & Joanna Carlson, Arr. by Heather Sprenson

Hodie Christus Factus Est & The Rose - Coral Santiago Apostol - Casarrubuelos Madrid (08-12-2013)
video: Hodie Christus Factus Est & The Rose - Coral Santiago Apostol - Casarrubuelos Madrid (08-12-2013)

HODIE CHRisTUS FACTUS EST & THE ROSE Antífona gregoriana / Amanda McBroom, Arr. K. Shaw Canta la Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos Solistas: Gemma de Paz y Angeles Gómez del Pulgar Director: Mariano García Concierto de NAvidad. Iglesia de Sa...  is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">HODIE CHRisTUS FACTUS EST & THE ROSE Antífona gregoriana / Amanda McBroom, Arr. K. Shaw Canta la Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos Solistas: Gemma de Paz y Angeles Gómez del Pulgar Director: Mariano García Concierto de NAvidad. Iglesia de San Cristóbal. Torrejón de la Calzada (Madrid) 8 de diciembre de 2013 ----- MAS INFORMACION SOBRE LA CORAL SANTIAGO APOSTOL Teléfono: (+34)656161440  

I Will
video: I Will

17th November 2017 Morrison Cafe, Sheung Wan