World Premiere performance, November 12, 2017 Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kansas May the Mother in us comfort us And the Father in us protect us; May the Daughter in us bring us Hope And the Son within us bring us Joy. May the ... more
【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 2. Fix Me, Jesus修整我,耶穌 編曲Robert L. Morris 羅伯特.莫里斯 這首歌所表達的,是經歷人生的低谷時,面對永恆生命內心產生的謙卑,以及看見自己不足時所發出的嘳嘆!長而圓滑的旋律線條、極具表現力的速度與力度變化,深刻詮釋出字裡行間由衷的真誠。 作曲的莫里斯(Robert L. Morris, 1943-)教授,是利莫利斯合唱團(Le... more
St Peter's Singers Hymn-a-thon St Peter's Singers of Leeds @SPS Leeds Hymnathon On 24th May, members of the choir will be singing the New English Hymnal “from cover to cover” - in excess of 500 hymns over 24 hours in order to raise money...
Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi Dona Nobis pacem Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world Give us Thy peace
Welcome to Joyous Clan Incorporated website!We are members of all walks of the Accra community, dedicated to lifting up the name of Jesus Christ through gospel music. The choir consists of students,workers,professionals,musicians all over.We enjoy learnin...
16th C hymn to the Virgin Mary, patroness of the island. Effectively the Corsican national anthem. "God save the Queen". This is from The OK Chorale's second public concert in March 2013 at St. Mary's Church, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK.
Saint Alexander's male voice, polyphonic choir is performing the four-part composition "Praise" (psalm 148) and Three-part composition "Confess" (psalm 135) (both in Greek verses) by Panaghiótis Gheorghíou.
O nata lux de lumine, Jesu redemptor saeculi, Dignare clemens supplicum Laudes precesque sumere. Qui carne quondam contegi Dignatus es pro perditis, Nos membra confer effici Tui beati corporis. (O Light born of Light, Jesus, redeemer of the w... more
Sneak peek at an Exaltation! Gospel Choir rehearsal. We meet the same night as the bell ringers so please forgive the background sounds!
Father’s Day is tomorrow. This time to ‘honour dad’ started me thinking about a few classical music fathers and the complicated dynamics between father and Son. (Johann Sebastian Bach gets his own blog entry!) The fir...