*** Dozan wa Awtar Singers *** Formed in 2008, Dozan wa Awtar Singers is the leading secular choir in Jordan, with a diverse membership and repertoire. We welcome people of all nationalities and faiths, who want to experience the joy of singing and ex... more
Founded in 1962, the MinnesOta Boychoir is the oldest boy choir in MinnesOta. The Boychoir’s reputation for excellence has brought invitations from local and national music conventions, as well as sporting events and touring Broadway companies. The Boycho... more
The SYC was formed in 1998, as children's choir singers grew and voices changed! This four part chorus (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) is devOted to music of all styles, including Classical, Broadway and Contemporary tunes. These dynamic and talented singer... more
Awarding Ceremony of the World Choir Championships for Youth and Young Adults in Graz 2011. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Preisverleihung bei der 1. Chorweltmeisterschaft für die Jugend in Graz 2011. Find all res... more
We are a music group from Tembisa, in Gauteng. The group was founded in 2020 and it hosted it first event in October 2020. We released our first single track with Umlazi Levites Choir on 26 March 2021. We are available on all major social media platforms.
Soloist: K. Gray Arr. Moses Hogan JYC 2014 Catch us in concert on February 22, 2014! The UWI Chapel jamaicayouthchorale@gmail.com for details
Since 1996 the Cantabile Choirs of Kingston, under the leadership of Dr. Mark Sirett, have thrilled local and regional audiences in performances of a diverse range of choral music from Canada and around the world. The choirs are famous in Kingston and ... more
e are from South Africa and travel frequently for international competitions. We recently received a Gold diploma in Rome with the 8th International Roma Eterna competition, and won the Special Prize award for Outstanding soloist. The choir would like t... more
The Cherokee Nation is the largest of three federally recognized Cherokee tribes comprised of over 315,000 citizens. Today fewer than 8,000 people speak Cherokee fluently, so the Nation has recently taken a number of creative measures t...