6,225 results found
Ngagni Na. Bristol Gurt Lush Choir, Gurt Winter Concert 2012, The Colston Hall
A South African song, brought to our attention by The GasWorks Choir detailing The lament of a somewhat sickly person, swiftly resuscitated by The power of music......!
Bristol Gurt Lush Choir. Debut Concert at The Colston Hall,
in collaboration with B... moreA South African song, brought to our attention by The GasWorks Choir detailing The lament of a somewhat sickly person, swiftly resuscitated by The power of music......!
Bristol Gurt Lush Choir. Debut Concert at The Colston Hall,
in collaboration with Bristol Male Voice Choir.
290 Singers, 1500+ Audience. Several thousand raised for St Peters Hospice.
Where were you? ;-)
There Is a Garden | The Girl Choir of South Florida
"There Is a Garden" from The musical "Trouble in Tahiti" by Leonard Bernstein.
Recorded live on Sunday, May 5, 2013, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by The Lyric Choir ensemble of The Girl Choir of South Florida. A... more"There Is a Garden" from The musical "Trouble in Tahiti" by Leonard Bernstein.
Recorded live on Sunday, May 5, 2013, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by The Lyric Choir ensemble of The Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson, Accompanist: Susan Dodd.
Leonard Bernstein was on his honeymoon in 1951 when he began composing his one-act opera "Trouble in Tahiti", a candid portrait of The troubled marriage of a young suburban couple. This aria is sung by Dinah during Scene 3 where, in her analyst's office, she is seeking counseling - unbeknownst to her husband Sam - in an attempt to repair Their deteriorating marriage. Dinah recalls a dream of an untended garden choked with weeds. In The dream she hears a voice calling to her describing a beautiful garden, a place of love and harmony, which she tries desperately to find. Her dream ends before she can find it. less
What Is Pink? | The Girl Choir of South Florida
"What Is Pink?" by Janet Gardener. Text by Christina Rossetti.
Recorded live on Friday, May 16, 2014, at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by The Lyric Choir ensemble of The Girl Choir of South Florida. A... more"What Is Pink?" by Janet Gardener. Text by Christina Rossetti.
Recorded live on Friday, May 16, 2014, at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by The Lyric Choir ensemble of The Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson, Accompanist: Susan Dodd.
Come to The Celebration | The Girl Choir of South Florida
"Come to The Celebration" by Laura Farnell.
Recorded live on December 16, 2016, at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by The Repertory Choir ensemble of The Girl Choir of South Florida. Associate Director:... more"Come to The Celebration" by Laura Farnell.
Recorded live on December 16, 2016, at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by The Repertory Choir ensemble of The Girl Choir of South Florida. Associate Director: Robert Todd, Accompanist: Susan Dodd.
Huntington University Concert Choir
The Huntington University Concert Choir features 16 to 36 members – all who go through an audition process for selection in this on-campus mixed Choir group.
"River" - Holy Heart High School Chamber Choir #CBCMusicClass
Holy Heart Chamber Choir Biography
Holy Heart Chamber Choir is one of 6 performing choral ensembles at Holy Heart High
School in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. This auditioned SATB Choir has a
long history of performing high quality choral mu... moreHoly Heart Chamber Choir Biography
Holy Heart Chamber Choir is one of 6 performing choral ensembles at Holy Heart High
School in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. This auditioned SATB Choir has a
long history of performing high quality choral music at various events including school
concerts, community events, and National conferences and festivals. Last year after
winning The St John’s group choral Rosebowl, this Choir won both The Provincial Music
Festival and The National Music Festival of Canada. The Choir has been featured on
local television and radio programs and even performed live in concert International
Children performing icons- The Wiggles. The Wiggles Performance garnered national
attention with news articles in all major outlets across The country. Last year, The Choir
returned from a highly successful performance tour to Dublin, Ireland where They
performed to standing ovations at iconic Dublin venues as well as a private performance
for Canada’s ambassador in Ireland, Kevin Vi... less
I am Here - Bel Canto Choir Vilnius
Live by Bel Canto Choir Vilnius. Buy our music on:
Amazon: moreLive by Bel Canto Choir Vilnius. Buy our music on:
I am Here (Vytautas Miskinis). Live by Bel Canto Choir Vilnius from its Christmas & 5th anniversary concert entitled This is The Only Night, at The Lithuanian National Philharmonic Hall on November 30 and December 1, 2014. The piece I Am Here was written exclusively for The Bel Canto Choir Vilnius by world renowned Lithuanian composer Vytautas Miskinis. For more information on The Choir, please visit its web site at
Credits: Arturas Dambrauskas (Artistic Director & Chief Conductor of Bel Canto Choir Vilnius); Audrius Valatkevicius (Executive Producer); Vytautas Drazdauskas (Video Producer at ARTBOX production house); Povilas Varvuolis (Director); Mantas Satkus (Director of Photography); Laura Jurgeliony... less
The Violet | The Girl Choir of South Florida
"The Violet" by Mark Patterson. Text by Jane Taylor.
Recorded live on Friday, May 17, 2013, at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by The Lyric Choir ensemble of The Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Di... more"The Violet" by Mark Patterson. Text by Jane Taylor.
Recorded live on Friday, May 17, 2013, at The Broward Center for The Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by The Lyric Choir ensemble of The Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson, Accompanist: Susan Dodd.
Down in a green and shady bed,
A modest violet grew;
Its stalk was bent, it hung its head
As if to hide from view.
And yet it was a lovely flower,
Its colour bright and fair;
It might have graced a rosy bower,
Instead of hiding There.
Yet thus it was content to bloom,
In modest tints arrayed;
And There diffused a sweet perfume,
Within The silent shade.
Then let me to The valley go
This pretty flower to see;
That I may also learn to grow
In sweet humility. less