Levente Gyöngyösi's "Te Lucis Ante Terminum" as performed by the East Central University Chorale. Dr. J. Steven Walker, conducting.
Performed by the Illinois Wesleyan University Collegiate Chorale J. Scott Ferguson, Conductor. March 2012. ---English Poetic Translation: In the midst of troubles and of great calamities, When facing the mountains of life and all of life's burdens, ... more
Westminster Chorus at the 2014 ACDA Western Division Conference in Santa Barbara, California. "GAGÒT" was composed by Sydney Guillaume for the Westminster Chorus. It's sung in Haitian Creole, with a couple of lines in French. - - See score at: sydneyg... more
Manolo Da Rold conducts the Corale Zumellese and the Oklahoma State University Concert Chorale (Z. Randall Stroope conductor) in the Chiesa Arcipretale of Mel - Belluno (ITALY) on June 27, 2017 O magnum mysterium : Ivo Antognini
Premiere performance: Saturday, May 21, 2011 (Notre Dame de Namur University) (Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Daniel Cerutti) Palo Alto High School Concert Singers, Las Positas Community College Chamber Singers, and the California State University, ... more
Meto Aseda dwom, Hilife Performed by the Inspirational Praise Chorale Ghana
At Knox United Church in Saskatoon, SK
IMO CITY Chorale OWERRI performs the popular Igbo song titled Buru Alleluia as composed by Eke Chijindu Favour Hedges