Cherries on a swing set is an Italian vocal group that sings international pop Songs (Abba, Queen , Madonna, Ennio Morricone ecc..) in a special way!
KeyStone, founded in 2011, is a professional six-voice contemporary a cappella group based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The group’s catalog encompasses a range of indie-folk, Top 40 and alternative Songs from the last forty years. Bonded by a passion fo... more
My singing weekend in the Cotswolds is shaping up to be a small (but perfectly forMed) group of woMen coming together to sing amazing harmony Songs from around the world. A great chance to do soMe small group work and really get to grips with those harmon...
We are an unusual choir singing Afro Cuban Songs accompanied by traditional Afro Cuban Percussion. We coMe from all over the globe, we are aged between 17 and 67, and share the fact that we all live in London and love this traditon
A popular song first recorded in 1939. It has been declared one of the state Songs of Louisiana as a result of its association with forMer state governor and country music singer Jimmie Davis who, along with one Charlie Mitchell, bought the "rights" to th... more
The Edinburgh Singers performing Bach's Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring, at Linlithgow for BBC Songs of Praise. November 30th 2008
ReMember how you used to sing, but now life has got in the way? Melbourne Contemporary Choir will help you reignite that spark, and find your voice again. With high energy pop Songs, original tunes, performances and recording opportunities, MCCHOIR is Mel... more
Compilation of Songs from our first album "voice dance" available though our website
"Unclouded Day" , from "Heavenly HoMe: Three AMerican Songs" TTBB Arr Shawn Kirchner 2018.