International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Bright Morning Stars - arr Jay Althouse
video: Bright Morning Stars - arr Jay Althouse

Mabe LAdies Choir perform Bright Morning Stars, a Kentucky folk hymn arranged by Jay Althouse.

YE BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNIE DOON by Robert Burns - The Heart of Scotland Choir
video: YE BANKS AND BRAES O' BONNIE DOON by Robert Burns - The Heart of ScotLAnd Choir

Lovely arrangement of a cLAssic Robert Burns Poem.

Vytautas Miškinis: If the day is done
video: Vytautas Miškinis: If the day is done

The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford David Crown St Giles' Church, Oxford 29 November 2011 Facebook: Website:

Alleluya: A nywe werke (from "On Yoolis Night") | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Alleluya: A nywe werke (from "On Yoolis Night") | The Girl Choir of South Florida

LAss="view_more">"Alleluya: A nywe werke" from "On Yoolis Night". 15th century British carol, arr. Anonymous 4 Recorded live on Friday, December 21, 2012, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort LAuderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Sin...  LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">"Alleluya: A nywe werke" from "On Yoolis Night". 15th century British carol, arr. Anonymous 4 Recorded live on Friday, December 21, 2012, at All Saints Episcopal Church in Fort LAuderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson. Alleluya... A nywe werke is come on honde Þorw my3t & grace of Godys sonde: To saue þe lost of euery londe, For now is fre þat erst was bonde; We mowe wel synge, alleluya. Alleluya... Nowe is fulfylled the prophecie of Dauid and of Jeremie and al-so of Ysaie. Synge we ther-fore, both LAude & hye, alleluya, alleluya. Alleluya... Alleluya, this swete songe, oute of a grene branche hit spronge. God sende vs the lyf þat LAsteth longe; nowe ioye & blysse be hem a-monge þat thus cunne synge, alleluya. Alleluya... Alleluia... A new work has come on hand, through the might of grace of God's messenger, to save the lost of every LAnd. ...    LAss="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">less

Bach Badinerie Medley - Академічний камерний хор "Хрещатик" - Khreschatyk Academic Chamber Choir
video: Bach Badinerie Medley - Академічний камерний хор "Хрещатик" - Khreschatyk Academic Chamber Choir

LAss="view_more">Bach Badinerie Medley (Johann Sebastian Bach Badinerie suite No2, Toccata & Fugue Re-Minor) - «Жарт» Йоганна Себастьяна Баха, у виконанні Академічного камерного хору «Хрещатик», у сучасному перекладі а-капела – композитор Євген Петриченко, диригент - Павл...  LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">Bach Badinerie Medley (Johann Sebastian Bach Badinerie suite No2, Toccata & Fugue Re-Minor) - «Жарт» Йоганна Себастьяна Баха, у виконанні Академічного камерного хору «Хрещатик», у сучасному перекладі а-капела – композитор Євген Петриченко, диригент - Павло Струць, хормейстер – Оксана Дондик, режисер - Наталія Бегма, солісти: Наталія Бегма, Констянтин Мозговий, Ольга Романенко, Дмитро Сьомкін, Ігор Пашинський, Марина Сусько, аудіо, відео - Віктор Бондаренко, 2021. Joke by Johann Sebastian Bach performed by the Khreschatyk Academic Chamber Choir . The modern arrangement for Choir of the a cappelLA by Eugene Petrichenko, conductor -Paulo Struts, ChoirMaster- Oksana Dondyk, director - Natalia Begma, soloists: Natalia Begma, Konstantin Mozgovy, Olga Romanenko, Dmitry Semkin, Igor Pashinsky, Marina Susko, video, audio - Victor Bondarenko, 2021. #бахжарт #бахшутка #бахвсовременнойобработке #хорбахмузика #класикавсучаснійобробці #вокальнамузикаслухати #bach #bachjoke #chorusbachmusic #cLAssicalinmodernsounding ...    LAss="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">less

European Choir Games 2017 - Open Competition: Adult Choirs - Universitair Koor Antwerpen
video: European Choir Games 2017 - Open Competition: Adult Choirs - Universitair Koor Antwerpen

LAss="view_more">Video recording of our participation in the 3rd European Choir Games in 2017, Riga, LAtvia. Program: * Loch Lomond (Arr.: Stijn Dierckx) * Turbo Ventorum & Arcus Caelistis (from "Phenomenae Naturae", Stijn Dierckx) * Dubbele Jan (Arr.: Kurt Bikkembe...  LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">Video recording of our participation in the 3rd European Choir Games in 2017, Riga, LAtvia. Program: * Loch Lomond (Arr.: Stijn Dierckx) * Turbo Ventorum & Arcus Caelistis (from "Phenomenae Naturae", Stijn Dierckx) * Dubbele Jan (Arr.: Kurt Bikkembergs) Piano: Stijn Dierckx Images/sound: KriyaLV  

Arthur Somervell: O Saviour of the World
video: Arthur Somervell: O Saviour of the World

LAss="view_more">The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford Robert Pecksmith (organ) David Crown (conductor) St. John's Episcopal Church, Northampton, Massachusetts (USA) 5 July 2014 Facebook: Website: http://www.somervillech...  LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">The Choir of Somerville College, Oxford Robert Pecksmith (organ) David Crown (conductor) St. John's Episcopal Church, Northampton, Massachusetts (USA) 5 July 2014 Facebook: Website: Organist's Website:  

Vast ocean of light - Jonathan Dove
video: Vast ocean of light - Jonathan Dove

LAss="view_more">Filmed live on Candlemas, Tuesday 2 February 2016 In the setting of an empty Cathedral filled with over 6000 candles for Candlemas, Ely Cathedral Choir sings the beautiful anthem composed by Jonathan Dove, Vast ocean of light. http://www.jonathando...  LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">Filmed live on Candlemas, Tuesday 2 February 2016 In the setting of an empty Cathedral filled with over 6000 candles for Candlemas, Ely Cathedral Choir sings the beautiful anthem composed by Jonathan Dove, Vast ocean of light. Our Cathedral Choir has been part of the English choral tradition since the mid-sixteenth century, and in terms of its monastic heritage, can be traced back considerably further, to the time of King Canute. Ely's traditional male Choir is made up of 22 boy choristers and 6 LAy Clerks (gentleman singers). Services are sung daily, and the Choir is in constant demand for many extra concerts and recitals. We want to preserve this extraordinary tradition for future generations to enjoy. Of course, maintaining this wonderful music tradition costs money - currently £350,000 a year. We are enormously grateful to all those who through their gifts help to ensure the continuing success of the C...    LAss="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">less

Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle Part 1
video: Rossini Petite Messe Solennelle Part 1

LAss="view_more">Rossini: Petite Messe Solennelle Saturday 29 September 2012 at Knox Church, Dunedin, New ZeaLAnd City Choir Dunedin Conductor: David Burchell Soloists: Emma Fraser - soprano, Amanda Cole - mezzo-soprano, Matthew Wilson - tenor, Julien van MelLAerts ...  LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">Rossini: Petite Messe Solennelle Saturday 29 September 2012 at Knox Church, Dunedin, New ZeaLAnd City Choir Dunedin Conductor: David Burchell Soloists: Emma Fraser - soprano, Amanda Cole - mezzo-soprano, Matthew Wilson - tenor, Julien van MelLAerts - bass Pianists: John van Buskirk and Sandra Crawshaw with Simon Mace on the harmonium The 149-year-old harmonium was provided by the New ZeaLAnd Organ Manufactory in Oamaru. Part 1 1 Kyrie & Christe eleison 2 Gloria 3 Gratias 4 Domine Deus 5 Qui tollis 6 Quoniam 7 Cum Sancto Spiritu Part 2 8 Credo in unum Deum 9 Crucifixus 10 Et resurrexit 11 Offertorium 12 Sanctus 13 O salutaris 14 Agnus Dei -- this final movement was performed in the concert, but unfortunately, due to a technical problem with the equipment, the recording was interrupted. Copyright: This recording by Strawberry Sound, Dunedin, New ZeaLAnd, was commissioned by City Choir Dunedin.  LAss="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">less

Faith is the bird that feels the light | The Girl Choir of South Florida
video: Faith is the bird that feels the light | The Girl Choir of South Florida

LAss="view_more">"Faith is the bird that feels the light" by Elizabeth Alexander. Text from "Fireflies" by Rabindranath Tagore. Recorded live on May 3, 2015, at All Saints Episcopal Church in CITY, Fort LAuderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of ...  LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">"Faith is the bird that feels the light" by Elizabeth Alexander. Text from "Fireflies" by Rabindranath Tagore. Recorded live on May 3, 2015, at All Saints Episcopal Church in CITY, Fort LAuderdale, Florida. Performed by the Chamber Singers ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson. Faith is the bird that feels the light And sings when the dawn is still dark.