Mistango Choir Festival


825 results found
blog: The 9th World Peace Choral Festival

From July 26 – 29 2018 Vienna will be once again The stage for choirs from around The world. Under The slogan "Coming togeTher to Sing, Singing for a better future" The participants will model and promote world peace.   On...

group: PVCC Community Choir

We are a community of people who love to Sing. There is a variety of ages and ability levels. Our goals are learning a variety of repertoire and connecting through music and Singing togeTher.

MNC 2013 for YouTube
video: MNC 2013 for YouTube

Metro Nashville Chorus - overview from 2013 Open House

blog: Are You a Singing Choir Director?

This post was originally posted to The Embro Thistle Singers blog.  The oTher day, There was a question about wheTher or not a choir director should Sing while directing.  This is an age old question but as usual I have my own ideas.  ...

blog: But I can’t Sing that high!

[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From The Front of The Choir]   When you join a choir that Sings in harmony, you will find that some parts are too high for you and some parts are too low.     Just lik...

blog: Singing in harmony 2 – small group skills

[this is an updated version of a post which first appeared on my blog From The Front of The Choir]   Last week I wrote about some of The skills needed to be able to Sing in harmony. Most of Them were focused on Singing in a large choir. This w...

Gospel Gospel Workshops
group: Gospel Gospel Workshops

We started in October 2019 as a one off Black History Workshop! But The attendees enjoyed it so much They wanted it to become a regular thing. So now, 2 and a bit years later we are now a weekly session! We Sing anything from Richard Smallwood, Kirk Fr...  more

Worcester International Festival for Young Singers (WIFYS) 2013
video: Worcester International Festival for Young Singers (WIFYS) 2013

Welcome to WIFYS, The UK's first-ever international youth Singing festival, organised by Sing UK in association with The European Choral Association - Europa Cantat (ECA-EC). A week-long festival of music, friendship and discovery awaits! Highlights will...  more

blog: What should individual Singers focus on when performing as part of a choir or small group?

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From The Front of The Choir] WheTher you Sing harmony in a small group or a large choir There are many things demanding your attention: oTher Singers, conductor, audience, your own par...

Your Song - North Kingston Choir
video: Your Song - North Kingston Choir

Recorded at our summer concert on July 13th 2014. If you'd like to Sing with us check out our website at http://northkingstonchoir.wix.com/nkc