Mabe Ladies Choir has been a feature in the Cornish musical landscape since 1931 and has long been one of Cornwall’s premier choral groups. Hailing from places as far afield as Truro and Coverack and ranging in age from thirty-something to eighty-somethin... more
Montana is ranked 4th in size and 48th in population density out of the 50 states, and Missoula, with a metro area population of 115,000, is the second largest municipality in the state. It is in this town where 5 mountain ranges c...
BrainStorm band (Latvia) and NNSU Choir - MAZĀ BILŽU RĀMĪTĪ (In my picture frame) @ the "Prem!o Centre" (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia).
Concierto en Salle Beaufils Saint Lo Normandy Francia Festival Polyfollia 2014 Siete Palos Banda Vocal de Venezuela @sietepalos
The Or Y-a Women's Choir performs "Achenu" by Abie Rotenberg (arr: Nomi Teplow) in Petach Tikva. Cond.: Nomi Teplow מקהלת אור י-ה בניצוחה של נעמי טפלו מבצעת את "אחינו" מאת אבי רוטנברג (עיבוד: נעמי טפלו) בפתח תקוה
Kammerchor Manila's winning performance at the 42nd Festival of Songs, Olomouc, Czech Republic last June 7, 2014 - Competition for the Absolute Festival Winner (Championship/Grand Prix Round)
8 травня 2014 року Академічний камерний хор "Хрещатик" на славетних Київських пагорбах виконує шедевр корифея сучасної української музики композитора Лесі Дичко"Достойно є" Літургія №2, диригент Павло Струць, відео Віктор Бондаренко