Coral Reyes Bartlet David Martel, piano Alfonso Lopez Raymond, barítono José Híjar Polo, director Iglesia de la Peña de Francia 20 de marzo de 2015 Imagen y sonido @mediawink
Coral Reyes Bartlet David Martel, piano Alfonso Lopez Raymond, barítono José Híjar Polo, director Iglesia de la Peña de Francia 20 de marzo de 2015 Imagen y sonido @mediawink
We are young choral group who propagate the gospel via music. You can find us at Kumasi - Ghana.
【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 搖嬰仔歌Taiwanese Lullaby 編曲:劉聖賢 《搖嬰仔歌》是一首台灣家喻戶曉的搖籃曲,由盧雲生作詞,呂泉生作曲。原始歌詞是由蕭安居牧師所寫,但因為蕭安居牧師所寫歌詞有部分已經不合時宜,於是委請盧雲生重寫歌詞。呂泉生想起幼時常聽家鄉婦女們邊抱著嬰孩邊念著... more
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] If a singing workshop is just a couple of hours long, then singers’ energy and concentration will probably be fine. But for ...
Christmas carol for soloists, mixed choir and orchestra.
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] There’s a lot of nonsense out there about what it takes to be a singer. The fact is, you already are one! Let’s unpick...
Wirtten for choir, separate in two groups.