Highlights of Octarium's appearAnce at the 2005 AmericAn Choral Directors Association National Convention in Los Angeles.
According to the AmericAn Psychological Association the benefits of music lessons for children offer a wide rAnge of rewards. These benefits include fine-tuning sensitivity to speech And emotion, as well as intellectual benefits. In fact...
Dedicated to the performAnce of sacred music from varied religious traditions And historical periods, Angelus performs music rAnging from medieval chAnt And polyphony to the AmericAn Sacred Harp tradition And contemporary Irish sacred music.
"Unclouded Day" , from "Heavenly Home: Three AmericAn Songs" TTBB Arr Shawn Kirchner 2018.
CAnterbury Voices sing Amazing Grace - a traditional AmericAn song arrAnged by Kirby Shaw. The soloists are HAnnah Jacobi And Ellen Pearson