43. International Choir Contest Tolosa, Spain. Certamen Coral de Tolosa.
Agnus Dei Composer: Perry Rumengan The following video is a Virtual Video of the XVI National Student Pesparawi Choir presented by the Darma Cendika Catholic University Student Choir - Benedicamus Chante
43. International Choir Contest Tolosa, Spain. Certamen Coral de Tolosa.
Song by: Debby Nasution Arrangement: Taufik Re-Arrangement: Otniel Simangunsong This song was performed by Vocal Group Benedicamus Chante DARMA CENDIKA CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY SURABAYA while participating in the Catholic Community Cup in Surabaya. For... more
Mazmur 150 - Psalm 150 Composer: Gerhard Gere The following video is a Virtual Video of the XVI National Student Pesparawi Choir presented by the Darma Cendika Catholic University Student Choir - Benedicamus Chante
The SKOWRONKI Girls' Choir Alicja Szeluga / conductor Czesław Łynsza / piano Concert Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam April 25th, 2015 Franciscan Church, Poznan, Poland
Cantate Domino (Giovanni Croce 1557-1609) Frauenensemble vocal orange Ltg.: Arūnas Pečiulis www.vocal-orange.at
【wow! 合唱】音樂會 時間/ 2014年9月20日 地點/ 大東文化藝術中心 指揮/ 朱如鳳 斯維林克(Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck,1562-1621),是文藝復興末、巴洛克初期重要的荷蘭作曲家,在教堂任職管風琴師的他,除了譜寫眾多鍵盤作品,奠定風琴演奏技巧之外,亦寫下超過250首的聲樂作品。五聲部經文歌〈皆來頌〉(Venite exultemus Domino)收錄於1619年出版的《聖歌集》(Cantionessacrae),歌詞為拉丁文聖經詩篇95篇1-3... more
28 ottobre 2017; primo concerto della stagione 2017-18 Nella magica serata a Domegge di Cadore speriamo di aver soddisfatto il Maestro Monteverdi.