International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


1,426 results found
Down by the riverside - Tibur Gospel Singers
video: Down by the riverside - Tibur Gospel Singers

Down by the riverside Cantata presso le Scuderie Estensi a Tivoli il 25 maggio 2013, in occasione della III° edizione del TGS & friends, evento organizzato interamente dai Tibur Gospel Singers con lo scopo di celebrare il canto Gospel, insieme ad altri...  onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreone;">Down by the riverside Cantata presso le Scuderie Estensi a Tivoli il 25 maggio 2013, in occasione della III° edizione del TGS & friends, evento organizzato interamente dai Tibur Gospel Singers con lo scopo di celebrare il canto Gospel, insieme ad altri gruppi musicali.  

Zululand Gospel Choir
group: Zululand Gospel Choir

PROFILE: ZULULAND GOSPEL CHOIR THE ZULULAND GOSPEL CHOIR was established in 2006 by Mr. Franklyn Mkhize and Mr. Alfred Banda. It consists of 27 members and a 5 piece band. Their ages range from 18 to 35 years and they are based in Kwazulu Natal. ...  onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreone;"> PROFILE: ZULULAND GOSPEL CHOIR THE ZULULAND GOSPEL CHOIR was established in 2006 by Mr. Franklyn Mkhize and Mr. Alfred Banda. It consists of 27 members and a 5 piece band. Their ages range from 18 to 35 years and they are based in Kwazulu Natal. THE members of this choir come from many different places around Zululand and 90% of them are unemployed. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES • The main aim of this choir is to gather people who have the same vision together to produce good ‘live’ performances. Also to record strong material and spread the word of God through music. • To search for talent and make use of it in the most profitable way. • To create job opportunities for the youth. • To grow and develop artists in music. • To make a difference in people’s lives by creating job opportunities. WE audition artists who apply to us and then choose the very best. WE rehearse every weekend (Fridays and Saturdays) in Richards Bay. WE compose songs and also encourage choir members to do the same. W...    onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less

Zululand Gospel Choir
video: Zululand Gospel Choir

Zululand Gospel choir sings tradtional gospel music

G:Force Gospel Choir 'Souled Out'
video: G:Force Gospel Choir 'Souled Out'

Here's the latest offering from our fantastic community gospel choir - G:Force, a classic track by Hezekial Walker 'Souled Out'. The performance was filmed by our friends at North Star Digital. Follow us on Twitter @GForcechoir

blog: 2013 Gospel Explosion Choir Workshop

Hello ALL Gospel Singers. We are hosting our 4th Annual Gospel Explosion in Kaiserslautern, Germany, we are approximately one hour from Frankfurt. Please join us this year. More information at

blog: Gospel Rising Music Festival. Dublin 1, Ireland

Ireland's biggest gospel music choral festival celebrates 10 years of bringing the gospel choir community together   Dublin City 17th -19th May 2019   The Gospel Rising Music Festival is Ireland's biggest social, fun and energetic gospel mus...

London Community Gospel Choir - He's Alive
video: London Community Gospel Choir - He's Alive

London Community Gospel Choir on their 30th Anniversary Tour at The Lighthouse in Poole, Dorset. March 2013 Management:

Three Valleys Gospel Choir
group: Three Valleys Gospel Choir

Three Valleys Gospel choir believe that everyone can sing. We are open to anyone who enjoys singing. You don’t have to be able to read music or have sung in a choir before, and we don’t audition! We meet every Monday to sing a cappella’ gospel music from...  onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreone;">Three Valleys Gospel choir believe that everyone can sing. We are open to anyone who enjoys singing. You don’t have to be able to read music or have sung in a choir before, and we don’t audition! We meet every Monday to sing a cappella’ gospel music from African spirituals to gospel classics and soul/pop/rock.  

G:Force Gospel Choir 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody'
video: G:Force Gospel Choir 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody'

Here's the latest offering from our fantastic community gospel choir - G:Force, a somewhat chilled out arrangement of 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody'. The performance was filmed by our friends at North Star Digital. Follow us on Twitter @GForcechoir

Soul Singers Gospel Choir
group: Soul Singers Gospel Choir

“Il canto è la più intima preghiera e il Gospel ne è la sua forma più coinvolgente”. E’ con questa convinzione che nel 1995 nasce il Soul Singers Gospel Choir e nel tempo, Candy Patricia Cauilan, già cantante del coro universitario “Philippine Madrigal Si...  onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreone;">“Il canto è la più intima preghiera e il Gospel ne è la sua forma più coinvolgente”. E’ con questa convinzione che nel 1995 nasce il Soul Singers Gospel Choir e nel tempo, Candy Patricia Cauilan, già cantante del coro universitario “Philippine Madrigal Singers”, tra i più rinomati e premiati complessi di musica polifonica nel panorama internazionale nonchè cuore, mente e direttrice dal gesto essenziale e dal gusto interpretativo adeguato, crea una formazione che ad oggi conta circa 30 elementi. Ad essa va aggiunta una formazione strumentale che riesce ad esaltare tutta la carica prorompente della musica Gospel. Il repertorio è stato, via via perfezionato affinando in particolare la vocalità con freschezza e dinamicità musicale. La conferma di questo positivo rinnovamento è stata anche sottolineata dal lusinghiero successo ottenuto nella tourné svoltasi in Francia nel 2002. Prestigiosi sono stati i concerti e le recenti collaborazioni che il coro ha tenuto con Ashley K. Davis, David Massey, Willis Peoples, Sha...    onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less