184 results found
Rhythm of Life - (St Paul's Community Choir)
Lyrics: Dorothy Fields (1969)
Music: Cy Coleman (1969)
Enjoy our latest virtual choir cover of Rhythm of Life! This has been our most challengIng song yet, so leave a like, comment and subscribe for more content!
If you would like to sIng with us, ... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreLyrics: Dorothy Fields (1969)
Music: Cy Coleman (1969)
Enjoy our latest virtual choir cover of Rhythm of Life! This has been our most challengIng song yet, so leave a like, comment and subscribe for more content!
If you would like to sIng with us, send an email to:
Dream AcadeMy: Life In a Northern Town
performed In Saskatoon, SK
November 2024
arrangement by B.J. Harris
Richard Janzen, director
Audrey Falk Janzen, piano
Zac Schellenberg, guitar
Paul Olfert, bass
Vision of Peace Choir
The Vision of Peace Youth Choir are a group of sIngers from the ages of 13-30 who use their voices to expres their belief In Toil and Peaceful Life and the Welfare of the World is not Worth the Life of one Child! The choir was formed In 2002 under the dir... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreThe Vision of Peace Youth Choir are a group of sIngers from the ages of 13-30 who use their voices to expres their belief In Toil and Peaceful Life and the Welfare of the World is not Worth the Life of one Child! The choir was formed In 2002 under the directorship of Ellie Davidoff. Choir membership consists of youth from the 8th grade through to college age students. Now In their 13th season, this choir has grown In membership as well as experience. There are still several origInal members, and every season they are joIned by their younger siblIngs and new friends, who add strength and spirit to the group.
The repertoire of the Vision of Peace Youth Choir consists of hymns and folk songs sung In the traditional Doukhobor acapella style that has been passed from generation to generation for over 200 years. The hymns and folk songs as well as the contemporary numbers In their program selection reflect their Doukobor beliefs as well as their steadfast wish for a peaceful existence on this earth.
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The Water of Life - David Fawcett | Swell Vox
David Fawcett is a classical composer and professional musician livIng and workIng In Swanage, In Dorset’s beautiful Isle of Purbeck. This work is suitable for a soloist or unison choir. The accompaniment is origInally scored for piano, but we have render... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreDavid Fawcett is a classical composer and professional musician livIng and workIng In Swanage, In Dorset’s beautiful Isle of Purbeck. This work is suitable for a soloist or unison choir. The accompaniment is origInally scored for piano, but we have rendered it with organ accompaniment. In a liturgical settIng, this work is especially suitable for Baptisms and other services that feature the use of sanctified water (healIng and commemorative services). Equally, it would make a reflective motet for use durIng the distribution of Holy Communion. Many thanks to the Swell Vox crew In this video for beautifully performIng the piece: Tony Lee, Caleb Smith, Andrew Flores, James Flores (organ).
Scores (published by TKM):
David's channel:
Tim Knight Music: Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
Bournemouth Male Voice Choir - New CD Launch Video
A slide show of photos to showcase Bournemouth Male Voice Choir's new CD - SIng for your Life which will be launched on Saturday 28th November 2009 at the launch concert at All SaInt's Parish Church, Southbourne - at 7:30pm - the choir welcomes special gu... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreA slide show of photos to showcase Bournemouth Male Voice Choir's new CD - SIng for your Life which will be launched on Saturday 28th November 2009 at the launch concert at All SaInt's Parish Church, Southbourne - at 7:30pm - the choir welcomes special guest artist Matthew Ibbotson (Tenor) who was a member of Only Men Aloud when they won Last Choir StandIng. To pre-order a CD email or visit
If Tomorrow Were Your Next Life, ChIng-Ju Shih - Müller Chamber Choir, Meng-Hsien PENG, Conductor
Below is the English translation by the poet, please turn the Closed CaptionIng on for best experience.
Time drifts on between each breath for you and I
When your destInation arrives, have your dreams gone to rest?
Body and mInd worn out between each... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreBelow is the English translation by the poet, please turn the Closed CaptionIng on for best experience.
Time drifts on between each breath for you and I
When your destInation arrives, have your dreams gone to rest?
Body and mInd worn out between each sunset and sunrise
When calamity strikes, would then your heart return home?
As one act after another plays out, unfamiliarity of nonexistence
SeekIng and searchIng, how to lInk pearls on a broken strIng?
How to sIng the missIng notes?
If tomorrow were your next Life
How would you spend your day today?
If tomorrow were your next Life
How would you spend your day today?
Use warmth to safeguard Life from withIn
Let each wave leave its trace behInd
Use mIndfulness to protect wellbeIng
Let the wheel of Life be given light
Translator: LIndsay Chang / Tiffany Hsu
Conductor: Meng-Hsien PENG
Pianist: Nai-Chia WANG
Audio RecordIng EngIneer: Chao-Hui WANG
Performance: Müller Chamber Choir
Performed at National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan
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Mercury/Fontenelle: Love of My Life
Mercury/Fontenelle: Love of My Love - Live recodIng of the Waldorf Students Choir, conductor: László Bencze. Recorded on 24. 05. 2014. at the Night of the Choirs, Budapest, Hungary