The Secret of LIFE by Santiago Veros. J. Steven Walker, conductor. Recorded November, 2018.
3. KKTC Uluslararası Korolar Festivali 12 Temmuz 2018 Rauf Raif Denktaş Kültür ve Kongre Sarayı, Gazimağusa 'LIFE IS LIFE Söz&Müzik: Ewald Pfleger & Kurt Rene PlISnier & Gunter Grasmuck & Niki Gruber & Herwig RüdISser
In My LIFE Originally Arranged by Steve Zegree for SATB Adapted for SSA by Jennifer Perier-Champeaux
Titelsong des Albums "Colours of Your LIFE" Abendsterne - Der Junge Chor aus Ludwigsburg / Eglosheim Chorleitung: Jörg Thum Musik: Stephan Schwenk Text: Claus Krieger Gitarre: Matthias Keefer Bass: Stephan Schwenk ... IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Titelsong des Albums "Colours of Your LIFE" Abendsterne - Der Junge Chor aus Ludwigsburg / Eglosheim Chorleitung: Jörg Thum Musik: Stephan Schwenk Text: Claus Krieger Gitarre: Matthias Keefer Bass: Stephan Schwenk Saxophon: Klaus Schneider Trompete: Sven Buse Posaune: Mario Ströhm Lichttechnik: Steffen Lentmaier und Andrea Eichhorn Film-Team: FranzISka Enz, Achim Enz und Maik Zschornack HD Schnitt & Effekts: Achim Enz - Media Arts, Bietigheim - BISs.
2019-11-08 Singing Together: Elvetham Community Choir and Cecilia Singers ECC & CS: Rhythm Of LIFE
One LIFE Can Make a Difference (SATB) ~ For Kayla, in recognition of her H.S. Graduation, May 2009 Poem "It's Up To You" - Anonymous Music - Eric Carlson Performed by Eric and daughters, Kayla & Rachel To order sheet music or CDs, contact: E... IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">One LIFE Can Make a Difference (SATB) ~ For Kayla, in recognition of her H.S. Graduation, May 2009 Poem "It's Up To You" - Anonymous Music - Eric Carlson Performed by Eric and daughters, Kayla & Rachel To order sheet music or CDs, contact: Eric Carlson at: or by calling 262-930-8995
Gresley Male Voice Choir, Autumn Celebrity Concert 2015
The new boy song of 2014 (Music IS my LIFE), as performed during the New Boys first Wednesday concert on 19 February 2014.
World premiere by the Volti Choir of San FrancISco, Robert Geary, ArtIStic Director, May 15-17, 2009, San FrancISco and Berkeley, CA, USA. LIFE's tragedy Music by Robert Paterson Text by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Used With PermISsion. ThIS IS one move... IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">World premiere by the Volti Choir of San FrancISco, Robert Geary, ArtIStic Director, May 15-17, 2009, San FrancISco and Berkeley, CA, USA. LIFE's tragedy Music by Robert Paterson Text by Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Used With PermISsion. ThIS IS one movement of a three-movement work entitled Eternal Reflections, but may be performed as a stand-alone piece. For more information and to order sheet music, please vISit
Full CIRCLE Women's Choir singing Come, Pretty Love by Joan Szymko. The audio was recorded at our Spring Concert, "Fire" on Friday, May 4, 2011.