323 results found
Song on The End of The World - Robert Paterson / Czeslaw Milosz
World premiere by the Volti Choir of San Francisco, Robert Geary, Artistic Director, May 15-17, 2009, San Francisco and Berkeley, CA, USA.
Song on The End of The World
Music by Robert Paterson; Text by Czeslaw Milosz. Used with Permission.
This is ... moreWorld premiere by the Volti Choir of San Francisco, Robert Geary, Artistic Director, May 15-17, 2009, San Francisco and Berkeley, CA, USA.
Song on The End of The World
Music by Robert Paterson; Text by Czeslaw Milosz. Used with Permission.
This is one movement of a three-movement work entitled Eternal Reflections, but may be performed as a stand-alone piece.
For more information and to order sheet music, please visit
Koro de San Jose
“Koro de San Jose”, Formerly known as “Celina Homes Choir” was founded in the year 2000 by its first director, Ms. Gloria Tabucanon; an Education graduate from the University of the Philippines Diliman. CHC, as often called by parishioners was the officia... more“Koro de San Jose”, Formerly known as “Celina Homes Choir” was founded in the year 2000 by its first director, Ms. Gloria Tabucanon; an Education graduate from the University of the Philippines Diliman. CHC, as often called by parishioners was the official choral group of the Ugnayan St. Joseph the Worker from the Mother of the Redeemer Parish in Deparo Caloocan City. In 2002, Mr. Victor Ventus became the new leader of the group; and under his supervision the choir was considered one of the finest in the Parish. CHC was composed of mixed voices back then; but like any other group, members do come and go. In 2005, most its female members left to study and work. 2006 came and CHC was officially announced and named after its patron saint as Koro de San Jose, the first and only All-Male choir in the Parishes’ history. In 2007, Mark Westvent Abesia started assisting Victor Ventus in teaching the members vocal parts and harmony. Koro de San Jose was able to perform for the Bishop of the Diocese of Novaliches, Schools ... less
O Crux Ave
Participación en el "I Ciclo de Música de Cuaresma en San Pablo", organizado por la Iglesia de San Pablo, en Zaragoza, el 14 de Marzo de 2018.
Directora: Marta Pilar Hernando
In monte Oliveti
Participación en el "I Ciclo de Música de Cuaresma en San Pablo", organizado por la Iglesia de San Pablo, en Zaragoza, el 14 de Marzo de 2018.
Directora: Marta Pilar Hernando
San Diego Gay Men's Chorus
Under the artistic direction of RC Haus, the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus is in its 32nd year of changing lives one voice at a time. With more than 200 members, it is one of the largest gay choruses in the world and has sung at locations including the Whit... moreUnder the artistic direction of RC Haus, the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus is in its 32nd year of changing lives one voice at a time. With more than 200 members, it is one of the largest gay choruses in the world and has sung at locations including the White House and the Super Bowl. The group’s mission is to change lives one voice at a time.
Cordus Mundi
Cordus Mundi began life in 2002 in San Francisco when six former San Francisco Concert Chorale singers banded together to begin an exploration of the male a cappella choral repertoire. When founding member Rick Rosen left California in mid-2003 to move ba... moreCordus Mundi began life in 2002 in San Francisco when six former San Francisco Concert Chorale singers banded together to begin an exploration of the male a cappella choral repertoire. When founding member Rick Rosen left California in mid-2003 to move back to Bucks County, the original group of west coast singers went on hiatus.
In its second life, and with the blessings of the founding Californians, Cordus Mundi was reborn in early 2005 in Bucks County. Now with fifteen voices, the newest incarnation of Cordus Mundi has the flexibility and versatility to expand the group’s musical exploration into new areas - the repertoire is varied and eclectic, and the group includes two composers and several arrangers.
Cordus Mundi draws its repertoire from a wide range of composers and styles, from Dunstable to Duruflé, from Byrd to Bernstein, from Palestrina to Paranjoti, from Brahms to the Beatles, and from Jacob Handl to Edie Hill. The founding members come from a variety of quality area vocal groups, including t... less
Notevolmente - La Cartoonata
I Notevolmente eseguono la loro Suite dedicata ai cartoons, un pirotecnico medley di ben 45 cartoni, sul palco del San Marino Comics.
Repubblica di San Marino, 29 Agosto 2015.