International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


6,872 results found
blog: How to get the most out of singing online – a guide for singers

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the choir] choirs are not meeting at the moment so lots of you have gone online to sing. Given that it will be just you singing at a screen, what can you do to get the ...

This Christmastide
video: This Christmastide

From our 2010 Lessons and Carols Candlelight Service. We are joined by six extras (college students from ATU and OBU).

blog: Creating a Mobile App for choir Communication

We’ve been really hard at work for the last few months and I am overjoyed to finally be able to share some details. We  have developed a wonderful new tool for every ministry of music in every church or faith based organization around.  T...

blog: How audiences behave and how we respond

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the choir]   The way an audience responds can affect our performance. In the absence of feedback, our most negative thoughts can raise their ugly heads.   Bor...

video: 祈禱

ore">2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:余光中 曲:劉聖賢 〈祈禱〉這首詩的文字,簡短卻強烈、深刻,每一次讀它,每一次有不同的感動。當我碰上生活中的低潮、需要找尋倚靠與安全感之時,這首詩的字句似乎表達出我內心想說的話。在決定為〈祈禱〉這首詩譜寫旋律的當下,我嘗試使用音樂理論的曲式、對位等手法來設計整首合唱作品,最後總覺得,音樂的形式設計無法刻劃出這首詩的字裡行間所存在的情感與意涵。當我換個方式,一遍又一遍地細細朗讀這首詩,...  ore_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreore" style="display:none;">2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:余光中 曲:劉聖賢 〈祈禱〉這首詩的文字,簡短卻強烈、深刻,每一次讀它,每一次有不同的感動。當我碰上生活中的低潮、需要找尋倚靠與安全感之時,這首詩的字句似乎表達出我內心想說的話。在決定為〈祈禱〉這首詩譜寫旋律的當下,我嘗試使用音樂理論的曲式、對位等手法來設計整首合唱作品,最後總覺得,音樂的形式設計無法刻劃出這首詩的字裡行間所存在的情感與意涵。當我換個方式,一遍又一遍地細細朗讀這首詩,很奇妙地,感動到我內心深處的旋律,有如泉湧般地浮出,終於在第三版的主旋律被記錄下來之後,頓時的意念,清楚地告訴我:「就是這個旋律」。 「吻」是這首詩的關鍵字,每一個吻代表不同的安慰與幫助。為了表現每一個吻帶來的安慰,我讓主旋律在四個聲部之間穿插,時而起、時而落,有如甘泉綿綿不斷地湧出。並且,在前後兩個大樂段裡,相同的文字、相同的旋律,卻唱出不同的節奏。文字與音樂的感動,因不同的時間而有不同的層次。 〈祈禱〉對我而言,不僅僅是宗教,也是親情、友情、愛情。當我完成這首作品時,我要感謝余光中先生,用這麼美的詩句、簡潔有力的文字,將豐沛的情感以最直接的方式記錄下來,使我在不同的時間、空間,都能被碰觸到心靈深處渴望安慰的一面。同時,我也要感謝高雄室內合唱團的指揮翁佳芬教授,以及每一位合唱團員,因為與你們一同享受合唱,才能讓我譜寫出動人的樂章。 (劉聖賢 自述) 【歌詞】 請在我髮上留下一吻, 我就不用戴虛榮的桂冠; 請在我手上留下一吻, 我就不用戴燦爛的指環。 請在我眼上輕輕地一吻, 吻乾我眼中寂寞的清淚; 請在我胸上輕輕地一吻, 吻消我胸中不平的塊壘。 在這寒星顫抖的深夜, 我多麼苦盼你的暖嘴 能蓋在我這冰冷的唇上, 使它不再唱人世的傷悲。  less

blog: “Lake Garda never fails to En... Chant you”

In this way has happened on the 14th In... Canto sul Garda International choir Festival & Competition too. This year more than 450 singers came from 10 countries to share their musical knowledge and sing together in one of the most beautiful parts of Ital...

blog: La Pentecoste by Gianmartino Durighello for Mixed choir (SATB)

Can we help you to choose your perfect song? Find out about our special recommendation for you.   Several of Durighello’s compositions have won awards in National and International Competitions and have also been chosen as obligatory pieces...

blog: Looking for something new?

You like Italian composers and have already met the composer in person at an international choir competition? Find out at  PH Publisher about the published piece "Saluto alla Beata Vergine Maria" for mixed choirs by Battista Pradal.   Battis...

The Boeing Employees Choir
group: The Boeing Employees choir

Making Planes and Making Music. Seattle. Listen, Join, Book, and Enjoy!