International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue - Ruth Artman
video: Five Foot Two Eyes of Blue - Ruth Artman

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He’s Got the Whole World, by Ray Liebau
video: He’s Got The Whole World, by Ray Liebau

【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 He´s Got The Whole World 全世界都在祂的手中 編曲:Ray Liebau 雷.李寶 歌詞與旋律取材自眾所周知的美國黑人靈歌曲調,這曲調經常在教會、學校、甚至商業廣告中傳唱。李寶(Ray Liebau, 1937-)在編曲中加入了爵士與藍調音樂的元素,使它成為這一首豐富而精緻的無伴奏人聲合唱曲。 李寶是著作頗豐的作曲家與編曲家,大學時期主修鋼琴,早年從事鋼...  One';">moreOne;">【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 He´s Got The Whole World 全世界都在祂的手中 編曲:Ray Liebau 雷.李寶 歌詞與旋律取材自眾所周知的美國黑人靈歌曲調,這曲調經常在教會、學校、甚至商業廣告中傳唱。李寶(Ray Liebau, 1937-)在編曲中加入了爵士與藍調音樂的元素,使它成為這一首豐富而精緻的無伴奏人聲合唱曲。 李寶是著作頗豐的作曲家與編曲家,大學時期主修鋼琴,早年從事鋼琴獨奏與伴奏。曾於美國密西西比大學(University of Mississippi)教授鋼琴與作曲長達30年之久。李寶幾乎一生都在作曲,創作的範疇極廣,包括許多鋼琴曲與歌曲、三齣音樂劇、爵士樂合奏曲、以及大量的合唱作品。而他最廣受大眾喜愛的作品,就是今晚為大家演唱的這首He´s Got The Whole World. He´s got The whole world in His hands, 全世界都在祂的手中, He´s got The whole world in His hands, 全世界都在祂的手中, He´s got The whole world in His hands, 全世界都在祂的手中, He´s got The whole world in His hands. 全世界都在祂的手中。 He´s got The little, tiny babies in His hands, 小小的嬰孩在祂手中, He´s got The little, tiny babies in His hands, 小小的嬰孩在祂手中, He´s got The children of The world in His hands, 全世界的小孩都在祂手中, He´s got The whole world in His hands. 全世界都在祂的手中。 He´s got you and me, broTher, in His hands, 你和我,兄弟,在祂手中, He´s got you and me, sister, in His hands, 妳和我,姊妹,在祂手中, He´s got all of us sinners in His hands, ...    One';">less

Plymouth Philharmonic Choir
group: Plymouth Philharmonic choir

This vibrant choral ensemble has been at The forefront of The city's musical heritage for over 40 years, having flourished under The direction of Christopher Fletcher, its conductor since 1996. Performing both traditional works and more contemporary musi...  One';">moreOne;">This vibrant choral ensemble has been at The forefront of The city's musical heritage for over 40 years, having flourished under The direction of Christopher Fletcher, its conductor since 1996. Performing both traditional works and more contemporary music with professional orchestra and soloists. Our next concert is Faure - Requiem and Gounod - St Cecilia Mass, on Sunday 17th March at 7.30. Tickets online at 160 mixed voices of all ages and ability. New singers welcomed. No audition required.  One';">less

The Gleniffer Singers
group: The Gleniffer Singers

Founded in 1967 and based in Paisley, this female choir is actively involved in concert, festival and competition work across Scotland, and furTher afield. The group has appeared in a wide range of prestigious venues and has performed with many oTher ch...  One';">moreOne;">Founded in 1967 and based in Paisley, this female choir is actively involved in concert, festival and competition work across Scotland, and furTher afield. The group has appeared in a wide range of prestigious venues and has performed with many oTher choirs and ensembles throughout The years.  

Zhar-Sokol chor
group: Zhar-Sokol chor

Our collective history began in 1936 when Vladislav Sokolov (who was a a graduate of The Moscow Conservatory) created a children's choir, which is almost 70 years was a model of Russian choral art throughout The Soviet Union and in many foreign countries ...  One';">moreOne;">Our collective history began in 1936 when Vladislav Sokolov (who was a a graduate of The Moscow Conservatory) created a children's choir, which is almost 70 years was a model of Russian choral art throughout The Soviet Union and in many foreign countries . 2008 marks The 100th anniversary of The birth of Professor Sokolov, in The anniversary concert attended choir, consisting of pupils of children's choir. After The speech The former pupils of children's choir - people of different professions and ages , realized that They all share a love of music and choral singing , decided not to leave, and formed a new team . Our first CD-drive, consisting of 19 works of Russian and foreign classics, Russian folk songs, songs by modern composers, was recorded in 2013. Our choir took part in competitions and festivals in Russia, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium where repeatedly became The winner.  One';">less

Estacion 3: Jesús cae por primera vez, Via crucis. Franz Liszt. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife
video: Estacion 3: Jesús cae por primera vez, Via crucis. Franz Liszt. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife

Coral Reyes Bartlet David Martel, piano Alfonso Lopez Raymond, barítono José Híjar Polo, director Iglesia de la Peña de Francia 20 de marzo de 2015 Imagen y sonido @mediawink

Estacion 7. Jesús cae por segunda vez. Via Crucis, Franz Liszt. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife
video: Estacion 7. Jesús cae por segunda vez. Via Crucis, Franz Liszt. Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife

Coral Reyes Bartlet David Martel, piano Alfonso Lopez Raymond, barítono José Híjar Polo, director Iglesia de la Peña de Francia 20 de marzo de 2015 Imagen y sonido @mediawink


We are young choral group who propagate The gospel via music. You can find us at Kumasi - Ghana.

搖嬰仔歌Taiwanese Lullaby   編曲:劉聖賢
video: 搖嬰仔歌Taiwanese Lullaby 編曲:劉聖賢

【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 搖嬰仔歌Taiwanese Lullaby 編曲:劉聖賢 《搖嬰仔歌》是一首台灣家喻戶曉的搖籃曲,由盧雲生作詞,呂泉生作曲。原始歌詞是由蕭安居牧師所寫,但因為蕭安居牧師所寫歌詞有部分已經不合時宜,於是委請盧雲生重寫歌詞。呂泉生想起幼時常聽家鄉婦女們邊抱著嬰孩邊念著...  One';">moreOne;">【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 搖嬰仔歌Taiwanese Lullaby 編曲:劉聖賢 《搖嬰仔歌》是一首台灣家喻戶曉的搖籃曲,由盧雲生作詞,呂泉生作曲。原始歌詞是由蕭安居牧師所寫,但因為蕭安居牧師所寫歌詞有部分已經不合時宜,於是委請盧雲生重寫歌詞。呂泉生想起幼時常聽家鄉婦女們邊抱著嬰孩邊念著:嬰仔嬰嬰困,一暝大一寸;嬰仔嬰嬰惜,一暝大一尺,於是他把這段詞加在最前面。 1945年,日軍在各戰場節節敗退,盟軍乘勝追擊,對臺灣進行轟炸,都市居民都疏散到鄉間。呂泉生因工作需要仍滯留在臺北;而他的太太卻在這時候生產。留在臺北的呂泉生見四處的斷垣殘壁,受傷的民眾哀鴻遍野,他非常掛念老家中的妻兒,是否安然無恙?於是請岳父蕭安居牧師幫他寫下這首《搖嬰仔歌》,傾訴對妻兒殷切的思念。 此版本為無伴奏混聲四部合唱,歌詞選取全曲中的兩段作為主要內容。樂曲段落形式為三段體,編曲的手法以垂直和聲、副旋律的方式呈現,期望將這首屬於台灣人的搖籃曲,結合西方音樂的和聲系統,讓現代台灣人聆聽此作品時,更增添一份親切感。 嬰仔嬰嬰困,一暝大一寸;嬰仔嬰嬰惜,一暝大一尺; 搖子日落山,抱子金金看,子是我心肝,驚你受風寒。 嬰仔嬰嬰困,一暝大一寸;嬰仔嬰嬰惜,一暝大一尺; 同是一樣子,哪有兩心情;查甫也著疼,查某也著成。  One';">less

blog: How to pace a long singing workshop effectively

[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From The Front of The choir]   If a singing workshop is just a couple of hours long, Then singers’ energy and concentration will probably be fine.     But for ...