Kauno mišrus choras "Saluto" Lietuvos suaugusiųjų chorų konkurse; Vadovė ir dirigentė Ramutė Štreimikytė; Šv. Kotrynos bažnyčia, Vilnius, 2013 m. gruodžio 1 d.
Wednesday evenings are most enjoyable at Fleeting Glance. We have a varied repertoire of well-known pop and jazz songs, as well as the occasional folk song. A mixed choir or various age groups, we have regular concerts in the Berlin region, but also furth... more
The SKOWRONKI Girls' Choir Alicja Szeluga / conductor Czesław Łynsza / piano Concert Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam April 25th, 2015 Franciscan Church, Poznan, Poland
Ad Libitum Choir represents the new faces over the coral music in Puerto Rico. Is a non profit organization that provides the resources and skills as necessary to perform great and marvelous choral music.
IV. 為了你無上的光榮 Propter magnam gloriam tuam 第四段只有六小節,呈現如過門似的垂直和聲,像是第五段的引言,有如橋樑般銜接至第五 段,屬於和聲式的複音織體。兩段之間不間斷地唱出,引導至下一段落。 V.感謝你 Gratias agimus tibi 由第四段戲劇性地進入此段卡農式的賦格對位音樂,由女高音開始呈現主題,接著各聲部以 主題模仿方式進入,有一字對一音的半朗誦半歌唱的演唱形式,也有一字對多音的花腔唱法 ,結尾以皮卡第三度結束在E大調,使整使... more
Coro Intermezzo Choir from Costa Rica. Idaho International Choral Festival, Pocatello (ID) Gala Concert 7/23/2016
Ой ти, жайворонку веснянка Волинське Полісся Леопольд Ященко Хор Хрещатик хор Гомін Київ Спілка Композиторів України Озеро Світязь Волинь диригент Павло Струць
A large mixed voice choir based in central Blackburn, UK. Rehearsals every Monday 7.30-9.15pm. Concerts in King George's Hall and Blackburn Cathedral.
12th International Chamber Choir Competition Marktoberdorf, Germany, www.modfestivals.org; June 10-15, 2011; Live recording; This is a service of Choral Festival Network www.choralfestivalnetwork.org; Concert St. Andreas Nesselwang a June 12
Madrigal by Thomas Vautor for five part choir. (a vulture composes a song about an owl!? - political correctness gone mad!) The owl is depicted as a thing of beauty a fierce force of nature and a mysterious companion to dying souls The drawin... more