St Peter's Singers of Leeds were formed in the Summer of 1977 by founder member Harry Fearnley. The Chamber Choir comprises of some 40 adult mixed voices. SPS are based at the heart of a vibrant City of Leeds where it is one component of the larger Choral... more
In Hora Sexta was born as a Chamber Choir in 2002. From the beginning our intention was to establish a dialog between ancient vocal music from the Renaissance and Baroque periods and contemporary music from the 20th and 21st centuries. As the vocal requir... more
Bach Badinerie Medley (Johann Sebastian Bach Badinerie suite No2, Toccata & Fugue Re-Minor) - «Жарт» Йоганна Себастьяна Баха, у виконанні Академічного камерного хору «Хрещатик», у сучасному перекладі а-капела – композитор Євген Петриченко, диригент - Павл... more
5 May 2007 Philamlife Auditorium Madz Et Al Festival
Utah Chamber Artists performs Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind, from John Rutter's "When Icicles Hang." Recorded December 2017 at Libby Gardner Concert Hall in Salt Lake City. The words were taken from "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare (Act II Scene V... more
The Melodious Chorale-Ghana is inviting all choral musicians and Choirs to witness it's CHORAL MUSICAL CONCERT dubbed AN AFTERNOON WITH NEWLOVE ANNAN. This program is aimed at mobilising some funds and items to support a needy community in the Central reg...
Acalanes High School has a 74 year tradition of choral excellence. Our program consists of 5 Choirs; Chorale, Women's Ensemble, Concert Choir, Bella Voce and Chamber Singers. We also have C.A.P. (Contemporary A Cappella Project), Women's Octet, and the In... more