International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


636 results found
Ave Maria (mascagni) _ Grace Chorale International
video: Ave Maria (mascagni) _ Grace Chorale International

"Sancta Maria" is a Latin-language soprano aria based on the Intermezzo from the opera Cavalleria rusticana, composed by Pietro Mascagni. It uses some of the same lyrics as Ave Maria and has become a popular concert piece. enjouy this version by GRACE CHO...  more

Ave Maria (Franz Biebl) - Vancouver Cantata Singers
video: Ave Maria (Franz Biebl) - Vancouver Cantata Singers

On November 14th, 2009 the Vancouver Cantata Singers teamed up with ICORD ( for a fabulous gala fundraiser at the acoustically luscious Blusson Spinal Cord Centre. VCS performs Franz Biebl's Ave Maria in the atrium.

Schubert — Ave Maria
video: Schubert — Ave Maria

The soloist is a member of the choir—Vitaly Filippov. October 16, 2005

"Ave Maria" - Joshua B. Himes
video: "Ave Maria" - Joshua B. Himes

"Ave Maria" by Joshua B. Himes. Premiered by the Ayala Vocal Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Aaron Rodriguez on April 13, 2009 in Lima, Peru.

Ave Maria in the World (by Marcos Vinicius) - part 4
video: Ave Maria in the World (by Marcos Vinicius) - part 4

Camerata Lux, sotto la direzione di Luzia Antoniol interpreta l'Ave Maria di Marcos Vinicius nel Concerto di Chiusura del Festival Internazionale di Cori - FIC - Brasile - dal 01 a 24 settembre 2017, ideato e creato dal Maestro Lindomar Gomes Nyvea Karam...  more

Ave Maria - Anthony Sylvestre (SSA choir version)
video: Ave Maria - Anthony Sylvestre (SSA choir version)

Ave Maria, arrangement for SSA choir & Pedal Harp (or Piano). Composer: Anthony Sylvestre. 'Ave Maria' is available in the following arrangements: - for SAB choir & Piano (or Pedal Harp) - for SSA Choir & Piano (or Pedal Harp) - for SATB Choir & P...  more

Simon Lindley: Ave Maria, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds (April 2013 recording)
video: Simon Lindley: Ave Maria, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds (April 2013 recording)

Simon Lindley's setting of 'Ave Maria' - under the title of 'Litany for Mary' - was produced originally as a setting for upper voices. The music was devised to short call order for a Mothers' Union Deanery Service in what was then Leeds Parish Church on...  more

The East Central University Chorale- Ave Maria, A. Bruckner
video: The East Central University Chorale- Ave Maria, A. Bruckner

Ave Maria by Anton Bruckner. Zach Teague, student conductor. Recorded November, 2018.

Ave Maria Biebl, Coral Santiago Apóstol
video: Ave Maria Biebl, Coral Santiago Apóstol

Ave María, Franz Biebl Coral Santiago Apóstol Mariano García, director Visi Fernández, soprano Ángeles Gómez del Pulgar, mezzosoprano Paloma Zarza, contralto "PASIÓN", Ciclo de música sacra Grabado en la Basílica Pontifica de San Miguel (Madr...  more

Ensemble In Contrà, Bargi 3.8.2018 6/8 "Ave Maria"
video: Ensemble In Contrà, Bargi 3.8.2018 6/8 "Ave Maria"

Cristian Gentilini (1974): Ave Maria Ensemble In Contrà direttore: Roberto Brisotto Live recording 3.8.2018 Chiesa di San Giacomo - Bargi (Camugnano) - BO Festival "Voci ed organo dell'Appennino 2018"