The King's Singers performing in Nashville, TN on 14 Feb, 2010.
The University Chorale performs Entreat Me Not to Leave You by Dan Forrest. Recorded May 2014. Dr. J. Steven Walker, conductor.
Award winning choir Vasari Singers, directed by Jeremy Backhouse, perform Passereau's exciting partsong Il est bel et bon. Shot at St Luke's Battersea in June 2011. Filmed, produced and edited by Incredibull.
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir]As we saw last week, many Singers struggle with finding (and keeping) their starting notes. photo by Albin Olsson What can make it even harder is if a man ...
University of Utah Chamber and A cappella Choirs sing "America the Beautiful" Arr. by Dr. Barlow Bradford in the Libby Gardner Concert hall for their Fall 2012 Concert, Directed by Dr. Barlow Bradford, accompanied by Jared Pierce
The "Northern Spirit Singers" from Great Britain singing in competition category B1 - Mixed Choirs (without compulsory piece): Moses Hogan - The Battle of Jericho More about Venezia in Musica:
Cantabile Chamber Singers of Toronto: @CantabileTO, Facebook page: Cantabile Chamber Singers Artistic Director: Cheryll J. Chung Video: Drew J. Henderson Audio: John
攝錄於2011年8月20日Ponte Singers 「聲.華」合唱音樂會 香港演藝學院賽馬會演藝劇場 HKAPA Amphitheatre 指揮: 林屴汧; 雙簧管: 關尚峰 Conducted by Stephen LAM; Oboe by KWAN Sheung Fung "The Joy of Snowflake" is one of the the most prominent and romantic Chinese poem by XU Zhimo (1897-1931), p... more
This is a beautiful interpretation of "Life's Mystery" by the Johansen Viking Singers in Modesto, CA. The simplicity of the text and melody contrast the deep and inexplicable understanding of life's mystery: Love. Thank you to conductor Jennifer Perier-... more
Zachary J. Moore, director, and composer Stephen F. Austin State University A Cappella Choir Dr. Michael Murphy, conductor