The Conversion of Saul by Dr. Z. Randall Stroope. Live performance by The Saint Louis University Glee Club conducted by Mrs. Normita 'Bing' Rio - Pablico, National Music Competitions for Young Artists 2009, College Choir Category at the Cultural Center of... more
The silver swan Skladatelj/Composer: Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) Izvajalec/Performer: Domžalski komorni zbor, Domžale Dirigent/Conductor: Ana Erčulj Regijsko tekmovanje pevskih zborov 2015, Kristalna dvorana, Škofja loka Regional Choir competitio... more
Live recording of Ola Gjeilo's Sunrise Mass Chœur de Chambre Ishango & Lassenne Vocale Vilniaus Universiteto Kamerinis Orkestras Modestas Jankūnas, conductor Ivan Yohan, Choir master
Oll an Gwella are a bunch of beauties! All members of Newquay Male Voice Choir, they are a rehearsed, a cappella, male chorus with a repertoire consisting of over 100 songs including Shanties, Cornish folk, 1960s classics, seasonal & sacred music. T... more
Ecce Sacerdos Magnus for mixed Choir and organ composed by Roberto Brisotto (1972) performed by Cappella Civica di Trieste conductor: Roberto Brisotto organ: Riccardo Cossi Live recording 28.5.2023 San Giusto Cathedral, Trieste (ITALY)
30th EUROPEAN GRand PRIX FOR CHORAL SINGING 2018 THE STOCKHOLMS MUSIKGYMNASIUM Conductor: Helene Stureborg Nana Forte (1981): EN EGO CAMPANA (Carmina proverbalia, 45) Unpublished
The performance of Vocal Ensemble "Fortissimo" - winner of the Grand Prix of Nations of the category "Chamber Choirs/Vocal ensembles" - Riga, Latvia 2017 Grand Prix of the Nations is Intercultur's event: "3rd European Choir games & Grand Prix of Nations".
Lagu & Tata Suara : L. Putut Pudyantoro Video ini diambil pada saat pelayanan paduan suara Cantare dal Cuore di Paroki St. Petrus Tuban. Ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Cantare dal Cuore (Candle Choir)? Follow akun Instagram kami di more
"Watch What Happens" performed by Do You Hear the People Sing? in rehearsal June 2015. Arrangement and additional material by Choir Leader Nicole Dawson
Interpretación de la obra "Rachenitsa" ("Ръченица") del compositor búlgaro Dobri Hristov (Добри Христов) por el Coro de Cámara del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias. Dir: Nikoleta Popova