7,414 results found
Ohu kpoori by Chima Abiakwu
Harmonies and memories echo through the years.
Sunday well spent with an alumni, raising our voices once more in one song of praise to God.
International Chorale of Brussels
The International Chorale of Brussels is a multnational Choir of fifty singers. Rehearsals are held in English at the British School on Monday at 20.00.
Chernomorski Zvutsi mixed Choir was established in 1914 and has an active presence in the cultural life of North-East Bulgaria. Numerous participations, diplomas and awards at international choral competitions and festivals throughout Europe have been rec... moreChernomorski Zvutsi mixed Choir was established in 1914 and has an active presence in the cultural life of North-East Bulgaria. Numerous participations, diplomas and awards at international choral competitions and festivals throughout Europe have been recorded in the Choir’s artistic biography. It has issued three CDs, a documentary „The Journey” and a book.The Choir has been honoured with two prestigious Bulgarian awards in the field of the musical art: The Golden Lyre of the Union of the Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers and the Golden Plaque of the Bulgarian ChoralUnion – both of them for its creative activity and contribution to the Bulgarian musical culture.
Chernomorski Zvutsi is a world of work and creativity, companionship and fusion where assimilating yourself, you become part of a whole.
United by their love of music and the intoxicating feeling of community and synergy, these fine and highly sensitive people write the cultural history of the town of Balchik.
It is of equal interest to them... less
My help comes from the Lord James Varrick A.
This beautiful hymn captures in essence the text of the scriptures from the book of psalms. (Ps121:1-2).
This pieces centers on God's love and protection for his chosen people.
Calm Me Lord by Margaret Razza
This beautiful soulful piece reflected on the true peace and joy that comes from God. We need his presence each day to transform our lives and make us better.
Golden Voices of Montserrat Choir Festival
International #festival of #Choirs #GoldenVoicesOfMontserrat in 2018 is dedicated to #DavidBowie whose #memory is perpetuated in the joint #singing of the Choirs wishing to participate in this funda...
Let the River Run
Celebrating 4000 Facebook likes!
Let the River Run as recorded on our campus in 2012 - music and lyrics by Carly Simon.
Video & Production by: Unreel Pictures
Sous Bois 森林內景 by Lili Boulanger
【wow! 合唱】音樂會
時間/ 2014年9月20日
地點/ 大東文化藝術中心
指揮/ 朱如鳳
莉莉‧布蘭潔(Lili Boulanger, 1893-1918),第一位獲得法國羅馬大獎作曲首獎的女性,以印象樂派風格寫作著稱,混聲合唱曲〈森林內景〉(Sous bois, 1911),歌詞選自十九世紀法國劇作家吉爾(Philippe Gille, 1831-1901)的詩集《植物圖集詩冊》(L’Herbier, 1890),描繪夜訪森林的景象。樂曲隨歌詞分四段,鋼琴穩定的切分音如漫遊的步伐... more【wow! 合唱】音樂會
時間/ 2014年9月20日
地點/ 大東文化藝術中心
指揮/ 朱如鳳
莉莉‧布蘭潔(Lili Boulanger, 1893-1918),第一位獲得法國羅馬大獎作曲首獎的女性,以印象樂派風格寫作著稱,混聲合唱曲〈森林內景〉(Sous bois, 1911),歌詞選自十九世紀法國劇作家吉爾(Philippe Gille, 1831-1901)的詩集《植物圖集詩冊》(L’Herbier, 1890),描繪夜訪森林的景象。樂曲隨歌詞分四段,鋼琴穩定的切分音如漫遊的步伐,時而點綴鶯啼般的快速音群,合唱團呈現對位織度,悠揚綿長的旋律,抒發歌詞中對時光易逝的感嘆。
Marchonsdevant nous,biendouceest la pente,
Le rossignolchantedansl’ombre des bois,
Noscoeurssontd’accord et la nuitest belle,
Elle nous appelle,Ecoutonssavoix!
Pourquoifaut-ilque tout s’efface,
Quecesrameauxsur nous penchés
À d’autresdemainaient fait place
Par le tempsflétris et séchés!
Ces bois verrontuneautreaurore
Et d’autresnuits et d’autresjours,
Des oiseaux y viendront encore
Pour y chanter de nouvelles amours!
Et cedouxsentier qui nous charme,
En l’absence d’un coeur glacé,
Oùtant de b... less