www.facebook.com/emacadiz www.emacadiz.es The "plena" is an early 20th century Afro-Puerto Rican rhythm from the southern part of the island. The "plena" became very popular among sugar-cane workers at plantations in the coastal regions. Th... more
Cordus Mundi began life in 2002 in San Francisco when six former San Francisco Concert Chorale singers banded together to begin an exploration of the male a cappella choral repertoire. When founding member Rick Rosen left California in mid-2003 to move ba... more
Misa Firenze, composed by Alejandro D. Consolacion II. Nieh Yen-Hsiang and Taipei male choir. National Concert Hall, Taipei, Taiwan.
male Chorus "Brodosplit" was founded in 1972. This chorus has become one of the most appreciated male choruses in Croatia throughout its work, wide range of numerous performances, interesting programmes, valuable interpretations,... more
Hot Hallelujah . Music : Douglas Coombes After G F Handel Copyright Lindsay Music 1999
Ekainaren 14ean grabatua: "XV Ciclo de Conciertos Corales de Iralabarri" (Bilbao) Performed on 14 of June 2014 at "XV Ciclo de Conciertos Corales de Iralabarri" (Bilbao) Interpretación realizada el 14 de junio de 2014 dentro del "XV Ciclo de Concier... more
Performed by The Singing Musicians choir and orchestra from The Republican Gymnasium-college in Belarus. Conducted by Alla Mazurova. Solos by Masha Shabunia and Tatiana Gavrilova. The choir consists of children ages 9-14.
www.facebook.com/emacadiz www.emacadiz.es Lyrics: Ira Gershwin. Music: George Gershwin.