We are an amateur choral group based out of Richardson, Texas in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We sing a wide variety of music from sacred Christmas, to Broadway and show tunes in the spring.
LFC was established in 1950 in Walthamstow, North East LonDon, and has been based in that area ever since. WIth a membership of around 80, we are an eclectic bunch of people who share a common love of choral music. We offer new singers a warm welcome and... more
We are a non-audItioned women's choir based in South Leicestershire. We pride ourselves on our friendly atmosphere and the qualIty of our singing. We are let by Will Welsford who gives his considerable experience to help us find our best voices. We sing... more
We're just starting an excIting new opportunIty for people to come together to enjoy music and have fun wIth It in a friendly setting. Members won't need to be able to read music but they will need to be able to sing in tune. We aren't charging a fee ... more
Жар-Сокол хор в Царицыно (концерт в Атриуме Хлебного дома), март 2018 года
Вокальный ансамбль "Полихронион" г.Одесса Регент Виктория Вербенко VIII Всеукраинский Фестиваль-конкурс приходских коллективов Пентикостия-2018, 1 премия (категория ансамбли). г.Киев, Спасо-Преображенский собор (Теремки)
Studio cut of "Come Fly WIth Me" on Itunes! http://tinyurl.com/24kerzc OC Times- 2008 International Barbershop Champions- March, 2007 Denver, CO
Kantorei performing Gretchaninov's "Our Father" during a concert in Ciampino, Italy in June 2007.
We hope you enjoy this quick performance of "Bring Me LIttle Water" by Moira Smiley! Please Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe.