International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


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Oy yak prilytaly dva sokolonky (ukrainian folk "shedrivka" - christmas song) arranged for choir & ba
video: Oy yak prilytaly dva sokolonky (ukrainian folk "shedrivka" - chriStmas song) arranged for Choir & ba

Oy yak prilytaly dva sokolonky (ukrainian folk "shedrivka" - chriStmas song) arranged by Ivan Nebesniy fragment of our chriStmas concert at Kiev House of Teachers (January, 2013) Pektoral Chamber Choir (Kiev, Ukraine) Art Director - Andriy Karpinets B...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Oy yak prilytaly dva sokolonky (ukrainian folk "shedrivka" - chriStmas song) arranged by Ivan Nebesniy fragment of our chriStmas concert at Kiev House of Teachers (January, 2013) Pektoral Chamber Choir (Kiev, Ukraine) Art Director - Andriy Karpinets BANDURA`s trio - members of our Choir - Yulia Skorobogatko, Marina & Olga Drygorenko About Bandura - traditional ukrainian folk musical inStrument - Our SoundCloud page: Follow us on Facebook:  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

Colchester Bach Choir
group: ColcheSter Bach Choir

Patrick McCarthy founded the ColcheSter Bach Choir in November 1992 when he agreed to train a Choir to perform a baroque programme with Frederick Marshall and the Lavenham Sinfonia in Long Melford Church. The success of this project led to a charity perfo...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">Patrick McCarthy founded the ColcheSter Bach Choir in November 1992 when he agreed to train a Choir to perform a baroque programme with Frederick Marshall and the Lavenham Sinfonia in Long Melford Church. The success of this project led to a charity performance of Messiah co-directed by Patrick and Peter Holman at the Swinburne Hall, ColcheSter InStitute, which was part broadcaSt by Classic FM. Since then the Choir has presented three or four concerts each season in ColcheSter (usually at St. Botolph's Church), often featuring baroque music. Many of the original members Still sing with the Choir, which is intended for experienced choriSters (members sing with other Choirs and some have solo careers) who can sight read well and respond to direction, thus enabling concerts to be performed with only two or three rehearsals. Ster-Bach-Choir/330623297057?ref=hl" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

University Choir
group: University Choir

The University Choir of UTPB is an advanced select ensemble that performs maSterworks from the choral canon as well as contemporary works from around the world.

Rejoice Gospelchor Langenberg
group: Rejoice Gospelchor Langenberg

The Gospel Choir 'Rejoice' from Langenberg, Germany, was founded in 1996 by the organiSt and ChoirmaSter Roland Orthaus, who Still conducts the Choir today. Since its founding, the Choir has had about 80 active members who enjoy the lively nature of Gosp...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The Gospel Choir 'Rejoice' from Langenberg, Germany, was founded in 1996 by the organiSt and ChoirmaSter Roland Orthaus, who Still conducts the Choir today. Since its founding, the Choir has had about 80 active members who enjoy the lively nature of Gospel music and who are inspired by the message of Gospels and Spirituals. The Choir sings this Style of music in all its forms, ranging from simple three or four part all male/female vocal arrangements, to four part mixed arrangements. As well, they also perform more complex eight or ten part scores featuring solo parts which are sung by soloiSts from the Choir. Due to active co-operation with various youth organisations, this Choir consiSts of many different generations who all get on well with one and other. The Choir is accompanied by the 'Rejoice Band' which is comprised of piano, drums, an electric bass, and additional inStruments when required. Concerts in Langenberg and further afield, successful appearances at the Krefeld Gospel FeStival and others in t...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

The St. Olaf Choir
group: The St. Olaf Choir

The St. Olaf Choir, with 75 mixed voices, is the pioneer a cappella Choir in the United States. For nearly a century, the Choir has set a Standard of choral excellence and remained at the forefront of choral artiStry. Conducted since 1990 by Anton ArmStro...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The St. Olaf Choir, with 75 mixed voices, is the pioneer a cappella Choir in the United States. For nearly a century, the Choir has set a Standard of choral excellence and remained at the forefront of choral artiStry. Conducted since 1990 by Anton ArmStrong, the St. Olaf Choir continues to develop the tradition that originated with its founder, F. Melius ChriStiansen. Since its founding in 1912, the St. Olaf Choir has set a Standard in the choral art, serving as a model for Choirs of all levels. The ensemble’s annual tour brings its artiStry and message to thousands of people across the nation and around the world. The St. Olaf Choir has taken 13 international tours and performed for capacity audiences in the major concert halls of Norway, France, South Korea, New Zealand, AuStralia, New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, and the Twin Cities. In addition to being an artiStic force, the St. Olaf Choir has a full calendar of events and a growing library of recordings. The Choir’s mis...    Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

In Those Years, No One Slept by Rich Campbell - South Bend Chamber Singers
video: In Those Years, No One Slept by Rich Campbell - South Bend Chamber Singers

The text of “In Those Years, No One Slept” is a scene from a time of conflict/war, by Romanian-American immigrant Claudia Serea. The score is at once rhythmic and exciting, haunting and unsettling. It was a winner of the 2018 Uncommon Music FeStival Compo...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The text of “In Those Years, No One Slept” is a scene from a time of conflict/war, by Romanian-American immigrant Claudia Serea. The score is at once rhythmic and exciting, haunting and unsettling. It was a winner of the 2018 Uncommon Music FeStival Composition Competition. It is accessible for all fine high school, collegiate and community choral ensembles. Performers are encouraged to present this work in a more dramatic fashion than usual, “within (or surrounding) the audience.” 2018 Winner of the Uncommon Music FeStival Composition Award & premiere in Sitka, Alaska, summer 2018.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

video: 珍妮的辮子

2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:余光中 曲:周鑫泉 2011年高雄室內合唱團首次與周鑫泉老師合作:以詩人余光中的詩作為題材,讓作曲家以合唱創作為之詮釋。繼去年委託創作並出版〈答案〉(余光中原詩名〈江湖上〉)及〈昨夜你對我一笑〉後,高雄室內合唱團今年再次邀請周老師以混聲合唱的形式創作余光中的〈珍妮的辮子〉。 在這闕充滿故事性的詩品裡,在短短三段、每段四句的詩節中,余光中一方面簡單地描寫外表從長長辮子到一頭捲髮的...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">2012十週年音樂會 高雄市文化中心至德堂 2012-11-16 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 許溎芳 詞:余光中 曲:周鑫泉 2011年高雄室內合唱團首次與周鑫泉老師合作:以詩人余光中的詩作為題材,讓作曲家以合唱創作為之詮釋。繼去年委託創作並出版〈答案〉(余光中原詩名〈江湖上〉)及〈昨夜你對我一笑〉後,高雄室內合唱團今年再次邀請周老師以混聲合唱的形式創作余光中的〈珍妮的辮子〉。 在這闕充滿故事性的詩品裡,在短短三段、每段四句的詩節中,余光中一方面簡單地描寫外表從長長辮子到一頭捲髮的珍妮,一方面則又深刻地表達詩人內心一縷淡淡失落的複雜感傷:曾幾何時,珍妮那雙如夢般天真、純樸的辮子,竟變成今日「鮮」染、時髦的捲髮?在變化中,詩人感嘆、感懷著珍妮丟掉的豈僅是辮子。 在這首〈珍妮的辮子〉中,周老師以三段式的樂曲形式忠實地與詩人的詩作架構呼應。雖然代表「珍妮」的主題一如詩人與珍妮的相遇,在頭尾段落中重覆出現,然而隨著「辮子變捲髮」,鋼琴伴奏卻發生了截然不同的和聲變化。至於那個名叫「珍妮」的女孩究竟長相為何?忽而五聲音階調式,忽而西洋爵士和聲,作曲家頑皮地把中國內蒙民謠〈虹彩妹妹〉和美國知名詞曲作家佛斯特(Stephen FoSter, 1826-64)的〈美麗的夢仙〉(Beautiful Dreamer) 做了一番跨越時空、令人莞爾的「選美」對話。 透過前奏與尾奏的串連音符,作曲家一如詩人同樣在思索、發問:在轉瞬飛逝的歲月裡,當社會不斷快速發展,審美觀、價值觀隨之不斷變遷,還有什麼樣的美好值得在記憶中好好珍藏? (周鑫泉自述) 【歌詞】 當初我認識珍妮的時候, 她還是一個很小的姑娘, 長長的辮子飄在背後, 像一對夢幻的翅膀。 但那是很久,很久的事了, 我很久,很久沒見過她。 人家說珍妮已經長大了, 長長的辮子變成捲髮。 昨天在街上我遇見珍妮, 她拋我一朵鮮紅的微笑, 但是我差一點哭出聲來, 珍妮的辮子哪兒去了?  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less

group: Liturgi-Kal

The “Liturgi-Kal” concert Choir was founded in 2009 and includes singers from all over Israel. The Choir presents liturgical music either written in, or translated to, the Hebrew language. In the few years of the Choir's exiStence Liturgi-Kal is rapidly b...  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">moreStyle="display:none;">The “Liturgi-Kal” concert Choir was founded in 2009 and includes singers from all over Israel. The Choir presents liturgical music either written in, or translated to, the Hebrew language. In the few years of the Choir's exiStence Liturgi-Kal is rapidly becoming much more visible on the Israeli music scene due to its emphasis on excellence coupled with the superb choice of musical partners. The Choir has worked with the Israeli Chamber orcheStra, the Ensemble Barrocade and has had the honor of hoSting some of Israel’s fineSt young singers as well as special gueSts from abroad.  Style.display='';$(this).getParent().Style.display='none';">less