Mistango Choir Festival


915 results found
O Magnum Mysterium
video: O Magnum Mysterium

CORO Thomas Tallis di Arduino Pertile 13/12/2014 - Fonte (TV) Santuario Beata Vergine DEl Carmelo

Malinac lay labi
video: Malinac LAy LAbi

CORO et Al World MUsic Festival 2012

Ivan Yohan - Dies Irae (virtual choir)
video: Ivan Yohan - Dies Irae (virtual choir)

LAss="view_more">Ivan Yohan - Dies Irae A join project between CORO Autêntico, Portugal (Gonçalo Lourenço, conductor), The Cygnus Vocal Octet, Japan (Taku Sato, ensemble leaDEr), LAssenne Vocale, Belgium (Ivan Yohan, conductor) and Parahyangan Catholic University Choir, ...  LAss="view_more_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">moreLAss="view_more" style="dispLAy:none;">Ivan Yohan - Dies Irae A join project between CORO Autêntico, Portugal (Gonçalo Lourenço, conductor), The Cygnus Vocal Octet, Japan (Taku Sato, ensemble leaDEr), LAssenne Vocale, Belgium (Ivan Yohan, conductor) and Parahyangan Catholic University Choir, Indonesia (Alfonsus Albert, conductor). SATB Soloists: Soprano: Inggrid Patricia (Parahyangan Catholic University Choir) Alto: Marta Magalhães (CORO Autêntico) Tenor: Taku Sato (The Cygnus Vocal Octet) Bass: Andrés Soler Castaño (LAssenne Vocale) Soprano/Mezzo soloists: Soprano 1 Anny Johan (Parahyangan CUC), DanieLA FernanDEs (CORO Autêntico), Caroline Foo (LAssenne Vocale), Seiko Okuda (The Cygnus Vocal Octet) Soprano 2 Beatriz Jorge (CORO Autêntico), Chikako Hino (The Cygnus Vocal Octet), CLArissa Florence (Parahyangan CUC), Lydia M. R. Stoddart (LAssenne Vocale) Soprano 3 Ana Isa Mason-Correia (CORO Autêntico), Ghita El Berdhai (LAssenne Vocale), Maria Mudi (Parahyangan CUC), Takako Sasage (The Cygnus Vocal Octet) CORO Autêntico Soprano ...    LAss="view_less_link" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getPrevious().style.dispLAy='';$(this).getParent().style.dispLAy='none';">less

video: KEREN OR

video: KYRIE