Η Παιδική Χορωδία Κέρκυρας στο "Ζουμ Τριαλαριλαρό" (Παραδοσιακό, σε επεξεργασία Δημήτρη Μηνακάκη). Μουσική Διεύθυνση: Χριστίνα Καλλιαρίδου. Συναυλία στο "Ντόμο" την Κυριακή 7 Ιουλίου 2013.
The 43 singers from Akron, Ohio under the direction of Mrs. Arlene Jacobs are touring Sicily & Malta from June 26 to July 6 with Incantato Tours. During a visit to Catania, the girls and boys sang for a newly-wed Sicilian couple
"Unclouded Day" , from "Heavenly Home: Three American Songs" TTBB Arr Shawn Kirchner 2018.
【貳和唱】音樂會 時間 / 2015年6月28日 地點 / 高雄市文化中心至善廳 指揮 / 林志信 鋼琴 / 楊郁雯 Nocturnes By Morten Lauridsen 夜曲 莫頓‧勞律森 莫頓‧勞律森(Morten Lauridsen,1943─)是美國重要的當代作曲家,曾於1994至2001年擔任美國洛杉磯大師合唱團(Los Angeles Master Chorale)駐團作曲家,也在南加大音樂學院(USC Thornton School of Music)教授作... more
Noctis performing at their summer concert at St Michael's Without, Bath on July 2nd, 2016. Conducted by Francis Faux www.noctisChoir.com
@ Çanakkale Choir Festival Conductor is directing the performance of the audience when they begin to sing. Such a great moment...
VRC ensemble, is a non-auditioned rock/pop Choir, accompanied by a live, professional band, performing at various venues in Toronto. We sing in 3 or 4 part harmony and have a great time!
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] Many of us don’t like the sound of our singing voice. Some people won’t even sing in front of others because they don’t want to inf...
[A version of this article first appeared as a post on my blog From the Front of the Choir] You’re learning a song in four-part harmony and you think you’ve nailed your harmony part. © Copyright Basher Eyre and li...
TEDx TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's mission, "ideas worth spreading." The program is designed to give communities, organizations and individuals the opportunity to stimulate dialogue through TED-like experiences at the local level. BUMC C... more