7,651 results found
Hullabaloo Community Quire
Hullabaloo is Brighton’s longest-established Natural Voice community Choir. We are founded on the simple principle that singing is your birthright and that everyone, given the right technical and emotional support, can sing together in glorious, high qual... moreHullabaloo is Brighton’s longest-established Natural Voice community Choir. We are founded on the simple principle that singing is your birthright and that everyone, given the right technical and emotional support, can sing together in glorious, high quality, spine tingling harmony!
Hullabaloo Community Quire is a Natural Voice Choir. We believe in:
NO auditions,
NO sight singing,
NO judgements and
NO limits!
We are renowned for our vibrant, innovative and accessible a cappella Music, as well as our collaborations with a fabulous array of Musicians, including Oysterband, Lucy Ward, The Moulettes, O’Hooley & Tidow, Po’ Girl, Firefly Burning, The Galleons, Robb Johnson and Grace Petrie. less
IX. Qui tollis peccata mundi
Qui tollis peccata mundi
韋瓦第使用了無比優美的和聲、極緩慢的速度、不斷變化的音程,刻畫出人類祈望耶穌垂聽 禱告的心願。全曲更以半音階的和聲進行,前半段4/4拍以沈穩的方式唱出「天主免除世 人罪過」,之後轉換成3/2拍,速度較急切的說出「請接受、請接受我的祈禱」,以迫切 的感覺深刻描繪出耶穌基督將世人罪過除去的恩典。
指揮: 翁佳芬
伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團
時間: 2007/12/11
地點: 高雄市文化中心至德堂
Cantu Spiritus Chamber Choir
Cantu Spiritus means "singing spirit" in Latin. We are a select group of choristers from the Santa Fe, NM area. Our repertoire includes chamber works from the late Medieval to the Modern Era with emphasis on the polyphonic works of the Renaissan... moreCantu Spiritus means "singing spirit" in Latin. We are a select group of choristers from the Santa Fe, NM area. Our repertoire includes chamber works from the late Medieval to the Modern Era with emphasis on the polyphonic works of the Renaissance and Baroque periods.
The Lost Sound - Here We Come A-Wassailing
Wassail, Wassail!
This song is our ‘Thank You’ to all of you who have donated to our charities throughout our Homegrown Harmony project. In total, you raised £1587 for 7 charities. Many of you followed the songs each week and donated more than once – tha... moreWassail, Wassail!
This song is our ‘Thank You’ to all of you who have donated to our charities throughout our Homegrown Harmony project. In total, you raised £1587 for 7 charities. Many of you followed the songs each week and donated more than once – thank you so much!
Thank yous also go to everyone who shared and commented on our songs – a staggering 41.5k people watched our videos over our social media, simply because you shared with your friends and communities! Thank you for taking the time to do that. It’s a wonderful feeling to share our songs and our charities to a wider audience and to know that you’ve enjoyed listening.
In many ways, the Homegrown Harmony project has brought us closer as a Choir and more in touch with our local communities. We’ve been so pleased that our videos have helped our chosen charities at a time when their resources have been low, but demand has been high.
So, thank you all for sharing the love, supporting the project and for your wonderful comments!
All of us in Th... less
The Bradford Chorale
The Bradford Chorale is a leading Bradford Choir. It started life as The James Ashworth Singers giving its first concert in Thornton Parish Church in April 1976. After some years the base moved to the Unitarian Church near St Luke’s Hospital to be more ce... moreThe Bradford Chorale is a leading Bradford Choir. It started life as The James Ashworth Singers giving its first concert in Thornton Parish Church in April 1976. After some years the base moved to the Unitarian Church near St Luke’s Hospital to be more central for members coming from all parts of Bradford and the surrounding area.
In 1979 James Ashworth moved on to projects new and was succeeded by Douglas Robinson who had recently retired as Chorus Master at Covent Garden and who held the post until ill health forced his retirement. During this period the name was changed first to The Ashworth Singers and later to The Bradford Chorale.
John Coates took over as Musical Director in 1984 and was followed by Tricia Platts in 1991. Since Tricia’s departure the Chorale has been led by several Musical Directors including Carleton Etherington, Andrew Dibb, Elizabeth Altman, John Griffiths and Christopher Rathbone. Our new Musical Director, Paul Dewhurst took us into the second quarter century of Musical life and ... less
Cantores Minores - White Christmas
Archikatedralny Chór Męski Cantores Minores
White Christmas - Irvin Berlin, arr. Paulo Rowlands
Dyryguje Franciszek Kubicki.
Nagranie live z koncertu kolęd w Zamku Królewskim w Warszawie 17.12.2017 r. - Konrad Błaszczyk
Ode to Joy / Oda radosti
"Ode to Joy" (L. v. Beethoven) performed by the Children's Choir of Sisak "Crescendo".
"Oda radosti" (L. v. Beethoven) u izvedbi Dječjeg zbora grada Siska "Crescendo".
WAC Contest 2017 - mixed voices (Video Competition)
International Video Competition for Mixed Choirs Organizer: Alwin Michael Schronen and AS-Musikverlag Tholey/Saar - Germany In this international Video Competition for Mixed Choirs you can win a very special prize for your Choir: a new a cappella compo...