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Morgen! (Strauss/Hoffman): SATB, Violin, Chamber Orchestra - NotePerformer 3 Audio, Scrolling Score
Morgen! - Music by Richard Strauss - Arranged for SATB Chorus (divisi) and Chamber Orchestra by Stanley M. Hoffman - NotePerformer 3 audio and scrolling score in search of live performances - Arrangement © Copyright 2015 by Ione Press, Inc., a division of... moreMorgen! - Music by Richard Strauss - Arranged for SATB Chorus (divisi) and Chamber Orchestra by Stanley M. Hoffman - NotePerformer 3 audio and scrolling score in search of live performances - Arrangement © Copyright 2015 by Ione Press, Inc., a division of ECS Publishing Group. All rights reserved. Used by permission. ECS Publishing Catalog No. 7775 -
The Manchester Bach Choir
Singing with Us
The Manchester Bach Choir welcomes everyone, who enjoys singing. We perform to a high standard and have a friendly but hardworking atmosphere. No audition required but some previous experiece, past or present, and the ability to read mu... moreSinging with Us
The Manchester Bach Choir welcomes everyone, who enjoys singing. We perform to a high standard and have a friendly but hardworking atmosphere. No audition required but some previous experiece, past or present, and the ability to read music can be very helpful.
At present we are keen to recruit new members to all sections SATB and are particularly keen to enroll new bass singers. If you are interested in joining the Choir or just want to find out a bit more about us, why not contact us?
Students welcome.
For further information please visit our website where you can contact the Choir's recruitment team.
the Sopot Festival Choir Mundus Cantat was founded in August 2009 and is one of the hosts of the International Choir Festival Mundus Cantat, the 6th edition of which took place in May 2010. Members of the Mundus Cantat Choir are singers with experience in... morethe Sopot Festival Choir Mundus Cantat was founded in August 2009 and is one of the hosts of the International Choir Festival Mundus Cantat, the 6th edition of which took place in May 2010. Members of the Mundus Cantat Choir are singers with experience in other Choirs in the Tricity area as well as students of the Tricity schools and universities.
The repertoire of Mundus Cantat, a mixed Chamber Choir, includes various kinds of music – old melodies, modern songs as well as sacral music and popular music. Its members have participated in many major music events, such as oratorio performances dedicated to Pope John Paul II or a concert directed by Enio Morricone during the Solidarity Festival.
Joy at making music together is the basis of the Choir's existence.
Gabriel's Message - Utah Chamber Artists
Recorded October 2020
Traditional Basque Carol
Arr: Barlow Bradford
Audio Engineer: John Paul Hayward
Video Engineer: Carter Durham
Program Notes: ... moreRecorded October 2020
Traditional Basque Carol
Arr: Barlow Bradford
Audio Engineer: John Paul Hayward
Video Engineer: Carter Durham
Program Notes:
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
His wings as drifted snow his eyes as flame
"All hail" said he "thou lowly maiden Mary,
Most highly favored lady," Gloria!
"For know a blessed mother thou shalt be,
All generations laud and honor thee,
Thy Son shall be Emanuel, by seers foretold
Most highly favored lady," Gloria!
Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head
"To me be as it pleaseth God," she said,
"My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name."
Most highly favored lady. Gloria!
Of her, Emanuel, the Christ was born
In Bethlehem, all on a Christmas morn
And Christian folk throughout the world will ever say:1
"Most highly favored lady," Gloria!
The Choir of Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Emmanuel College, Cambridge has a Choir of around 24 choral scholars, which sings at the choral services in the Wren Chapel during term. The Choir is conducted by the Director of Chapel Music, assisted by two organ scholars. The Choir makes occasional vis... moreEmmanuel College, Cambridge has a Choir of around 24 choral scholars, which sings at the choral services in the Wren Chapel during term. The Choir is conducted by the Director of Chapel Music, assisted by two organ scholars. The Choir makes occasional visits to other British churches and cathedrals, as well as an annual foreign tour, recent destinations have included USA, Mexico, Sweden, Thailand, Rome and Prague. Emmanuel College Choir has released a number of recordings, most recently a CD of works by the Edwardian composer E W Naylor, a former Organist and Honorary Fellow of the College.
Twitter: EmmanuelChoir
Facebook: The Chapel Choir of Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Founded in 2002, Òran is part of Edmonton's Kokopelli Choir Association. Òran began as an alumni offshoot of the Kokopelli Youth Choir, but it has since developed into a group made up of young adults from all over Edmonton and the surrounding area. Each b... moreFounded in 2002, Òran is part of Edmonton's Kokopelli Choir Association. Òran began as an alumni offshoot of the Kokopelli Youth Choir, but it has since developed into a group made up of young adults from all over Edmonton and the surrounding area. Each brings a different viewpoint to the group, but all are united in their passion for singing. The Choir stresses the same philosophical goals as its younger counterpart, striving to achieve musical excellence and artistic integrity, as well as combining new interpretive techniques with more traditional choral expertise. Above all, the group is dedicated to sharing joy in song with each other, with other Choirs, and with audiences around Edmonton and across Canada. Òran was featured at the 2005 Festival 500 in St. John’s Newfoundland, and more recently, participated in the Laval International Choral Festival in Quebec in July 2009, as well as a cultural tour to Cuba in May 2011. Members of Òran travelled to Europe for a tour in July 2012 including stops in France, ... less
Alla Polacca Children and Youth Choir
The Alla Polacca Children and Youth Choir is an educational endeavor that provides unique musical training experience for children and teenagers. Our choristers' talents and musicality are nurtured, their voices are trained, they are taught correct dictio... moreThe Alla Polacca Children and Youth Choir is an educational endeavor that provides unique musical training experience for children and teenagers. Our choristers' talents and musicality are nurtured, their voices are trained, they are taught correct diction and musical expression. We aid harmonious growth - in terms of both musical and personal development of our vocalists.
Alla Polacca Children and Youth Choir is affiliated with the Teatr Wielki/Grand Theatre - Polish National Opera in Warsaw. The Choir consists of 200 choristers performing in four age groups. The Choir was founded three decades ago by Sabina Wlodarska, a recognized music educator and student of maestro Stefan Stuligrosz. In 2014, Anna Bednarska took over from Sabina Wlodarska as Alla Polacca's conductor and artistic director.
Alla Polacca Choir participates in concerts, operas and other musical projects staged at the Teatr Wielki/Grand Theatre - Polish National Opera in Warsaw and at other prestigious places and events. Its members take ... less
The Czestochowa Philharmonic Choir Collegium Cantorum
The Częstochowa Philharmonic Choir Collegium Cantorum is a vocal ensemble which was created in 2012 as a combination of a great passion for music, commitment and great musical sensitivity. The Choir Collegium Cantorum is energy and professionalism and int... moreThe Częstochowa Philharmonic Choir Collegium Cantorum is a vocal ensemble which was created in 2012 as a combination of a great passion for music, commitment and great musical sensitivity. The Choir Collegium Cantorum is energy and professionalism and intensive, systematic artistic work, which enables continuous improvement of skills and preparing a comprehensive and highly diversified repertoire. The singers of the Choir easily cope with different styles of music like classical music, opera music, a musical or popular music, as well as in contemporary compositions. The team appears on stage in full ensemble cast, in smaller ensembles and with singers performing solo, all presenting their vocal artistry. As a result, each concert of the Choir Collegium Cantorum is a unique event and a true celebration of choral music. The Choir was awarded by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Order of Honour "Distinguished for Polish culture."
The beginnings of the Choir date back to 1987 when J... less
SMMS Concert Choir
We are a brand new Choir based at St Mary-at-Hill Church in London. We are directed by Robert Mingay-Smith
Irina Stiglich Choir
Irina Stiglich Choir is a Bulgarian youth mixed ensemble, led by the artistic guidance of its conductor Marina Koleva, accompanied by the pianist Svetlin Hristov.
The Choir's mission is to nurture Bulgarian talent and instill a love for choral art among ... moreIrina Stiglich Choir is a Bulgarian youth mixed ensemble, led by the artistic guidance of its conductor Marina Koleva, accompanied by the pianist Svetlin Hristov.
The Choir's mission is to nurture Bulgarian talent and instill a love for choral art among young individuals aged 16 to 35. It honors Bulgaria's choral traditions while occasionally embracing contemporary trends in choral performance, employing techniques like body percussion and mise-en-scène to enhance their vocal craft.
Founded as Pastoral - female Chamber Choir in 1987, nowadays the ensemble carries the name of its originator Irina Stiglich.
Тhe Choir's repertoire encompasses (or includes) works by both Bulgarian and international composers, spanning eras from the Renaissance to modern times.
They've embarked on concert tours across the country and abroad participating in international choral festivals and competitions.
The Choir's transformation into a mixed youth ensemble occurred in early 2020. It strives to rekindle Bulgarian choral tradit... less