The TIP Choral Society is the official Chorale of Technological Institute of the Philippines consisting of select students and Alumni singers from the different department choirs of Manila and Quezon City campuses.
Formed in 2016 as Academy Voice, North Sky Chorale performs occasional concerts in and around Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. It typically assembles a choir for a brief time before each performance, then disbands until just before the next concert when a new cho... more
This beautiful hymn captures in essence the text of the scriptures from the book of psalms. (Ps121:1-2). This pieces centers on God's love and protection for his chosen people.
This beautiful soulful piece reflected on the true peace and joy that comes from God. We need his presence each day to transform our lives and make us better.
International #festival of #choirs #GoldenVoicesOfMontserrat in 2018 is dedicated to #DavidBowie whose #memory is perpetuated in the joint #singing of the choirs wishing to participate in this funda...
Arrangement of an old English folk song for three Voices (versions available for women's Voices, mixed Voices and men's Voices). This version is for mixed Voices AAB or MezAB
Arrangement of an old English folk song for three Voices (versions available for women's Voices, mixed Voices and men's Voices). This one is for women's Voices. Images from Dunham Massey in Cheshire
While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Again today, he has shown us how ready he is to come to our aid when we let him into our lives. May this rendition bring you to the realization that you have be called to be fishers of men for Christ ou... more
Harold Arlen wrote the music to Wizard of Oz, including 'Somewhere over the rainbow'. Ethel Waters first sang 'Stormy Weather' at The Cotton Club night club in Harlem in 1933 and recorded it that year. This version is based on that by the Golden Gate Q... more
A beautiful liturgical hymns (Kyrie) in Igbo language to rouse the spirits of the lay apostolate in deep penitential mood for the holy Eucharistic celebration.