Chicago a cappella, a nine-member classical vocal ensemble, performed Beatles hits during an Arts and Ideas event Saturday, Jan. 30 in front of a full house in Aurora University's Crimi Auditorium.
Tratto da "Beatus Conradus - Messe e Mottetti per la Cattedrale di Molfetta", registrato per la casa discografica DigressioneMusic nel 2019. Esecuzione a cura della cappella Musicale Corradiana diretta da Antonio Magarelli.
A preview look at Chicago a cappella's February 2011 concert, "The Red Carpet of Sound: Musical Pairings, a cappella and with Piano"
Please join with us, as we remember & pay our respects to the many who lost their lives over the years. This stunning arrangement of the John Williams classic features Muzaria's haunting A cappella harmonies. Originally released on Holocaust Memoria... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Please join with us, as we remember & pay our respects to the many who lost their lives over the years. This stunning arrangement of the John Williams classic features Muzaria's haunting A cappella harmonies. Originally released on Holocaust Memorial day 2018 - The Power Of Words! Vocal arrangement - Darren Marc Bartlett Vocals - Muzaria Recording, Editing & Mastering - Alvin Allison Video Production - Kingsbere Designs Video Footage - Schindler's List (full credits on screen) Copyright DMB MUSIC 2000-2018 #Muzaria #DarrenBartlett #SchindlersList Copyright DMB MUSIC 2000-2020 is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
(For English please scroll down) ****** Drugi videospot vokalne zasedbe Bassless, a cappella priredba skladbe Čas (Dan D). Snemanje je potekalo na železniški postaji v Ljubljani, v vlaku na relaciji Ljubljana - Celje in v parku Tivoli Bassless je sku... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">(For English please scroll down) ****** Drugi videospot vokalne zasedbe Bassless, a cappella priredba skladbe Čas (Dan D). Snemanje je potekalo na železniški postaji v Ljubljani, v vlaku na relaciji Ljubljana - Celje in v parku Tivoli Bassless je skupina petih članov z različnih koncev Slovenije, ki jih v nespremenjeni zasedbi od aprila 2013 združuje ljubezen do glasbe in skupnega ustvarjanja. Izvajajo a cappella priredbe pesmi široke palete žanrov: pop, rock, disco, dance, funk, jazz, blues, ter lastno avtorsko glasbo. Avtorji in nosilci avtorskih pravic: Dan D Aranžma: Marko Črnčec Produkcija, mix, studio: Rok Kelvišar - Mastering: Igor Potočnik Kamera: Sašo Vrabič Video produkcija: Klemen Brezavšček Člani: Karin Možina Kristjan Virtič Sašo Vrabič Nastja Vodenik Klemen Brezavšček Info: Kontakt: ***** Second video of a vocal group named Bassless; an a cappella arrangement of... is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less
A cappella is an Early Music Choir based in Penzance. The choir, which has a membership of around 30 voices, was formed in 2007 by its Musical Director, Sheila farmer. A cappella is a touring choir, having visited Prague and France, and hoping to make a... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">A cappella is an Early Music Choir based in Penzance. The choir, which has a membership of around 30 voices, was formed in 2007 by its Musical Director, Sheila farmer. A cappella is a touring choir, having visited Prague and France, and hoping to make a tour to Spain in the near future. The choir rehearses every other Saturday morning, between 10 a.m. and noon.
arrangement: Laura Jēkabsone Video: Kaspars Teilāns Sound: Gustavs Ērenpreiss Make-up: Ilona Zariņa Style: Ineta Medne- Bernāne Performed by Latvian Voices h... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">arrangement: Laura Jēkabsone Video: Kaspars Teilāns Sound: Gustavs Ērenpreiss Make-up: Ilona Zariņa Style: Ineta Medne- Bernāne Performed by Latvian Voices
Ancient Christmas carol from Piae Cantiones This is my arrangement for our community choir (Soprano, Alto and Bass), but transposed down a third here for me to sing. (The arrangement also has an optional piano part which I did not use for this recording)
Chicago a cappella is a classical vocal ensemble that moves the heart and spirit with fun, innovative concerts. Performing with an ensemble of 10 singers and no conductor, Chicago a cappella is recognized as one of the area’s most accomplished vocal ensem... is).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">moreisplay:none;">Chicago a cappella is a classical vocal ensemble that moves the heart and spirit with fun, innovative concerts. Performing with an ensemble of 10 singers and no conductor, Chicago a cappella is recognized as one of the area’s most accomplished vocal ensembles. Under the direction of artistic director John William Trotter, the group spans a repertoire from Gregorian chant to the Beatles and beyond and is known for its performances of sacred works, vocal jazz and pop, folk and international music, as well as a special focus on music written in the present generation. Since its founding in 1993, the ensemble has introduced dozens of works to Chicago audiences for the first time, including commissioned works by Chen Yi, Stacy Garrop, and Tania León. Chicago a cappella has toured to 13 U.S. states and Mexico and has appeared on national radio broadcasts, including American Public Media’s "Performance today." its discography includes recordings on the Cedille, Centaur and Gothic labels, including highly-a... is).getParent().getPrevious().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">less