'PromIse' - the most Beautiful song, as featured at DIsney's Epcot Centre. ThIs stunnIng arrangement Is by Darren Marc Bartlett - performed by UK choral sensation SALVACOSTA and set to fireworks recorded on location at DIsney's Epcot Centre from the DIsne... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">'PromIse' - the most Beautiful song, as featured at DIsney's Epcot Centre. ThIs stunnIng arrangement Is by Darren Marc Bartlett - performed by UK choral sensation SALVACOSTA and set to fireworks recorded on location at DIsney's Epcot Centre from the DIsney firework spectacular 'IllumInations - Reflections of Earth'! PromIse Music - GavIn Greenaway Lyrics - Don Dorsey Arr. - Darren Marc Bartlett (OrigInal copyright Walt DIsney World Music Company 1999) Vocals - Salvacosta Footage and Pictures - GeorgIna Bentley Video Creation - KIngsbere Designs The sheet music for thIs arrangement Is available from DMB Music @ www.dmbmusic.co.uk www.darrenbartlett.co.uk www.salvacosta.co.uk Copyright DMB MUSIC 2016 Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less
The time Is nigh, the long awaited day Is here. The earth awaits the manifestation of the children of God. Let us therefore begIn thIs glorious new year with a prayer bearIng In MInd that no matter how busy our modern lives are, God’s voice can still cu... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">The time Is nigh, the long awaited day Is here. The earth awaits the manifestation of the children of God. Let us therefore begIn thIs glorious new year with a prayer bearIng In MInd that no matter how busy our modern lives are, God’s voice can still cut through and speak to us In a calm and tranquil way. Golden voices Choir STACC FUTO presents…. The Prayer by Ikhuoma Daniel Extracts from the last edition of the Golden Voices Choir FUTO CANZONA titled "In PraIse of God's Goodness". Conducted by Nweke Gabriel C. (C.M and Music director 2019/2020 Academic Session) Female SoloIst: Adiele Vivian (Soprano) Male SoloIst: Anoruo Sanctus (Tenor) #Canzona12 All rights reserved. Happy New Year Everyone Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less
Poem by 17th Century Unitarian mInIster and poet John Mason, music composed and performed by David W Solomons [aka the dwsChorale]. ThIs particular settIng was composed with a smAll mixed-ability choir In MInd, so the voices are maInly In two parts ... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Poem by 17th Century Unitarian mInIster and poet John Mason, music composed and performed by David W Solomons [aka the dwsChorale]. ThIs particular settIng was composed with a smAll mixed-ability choir In MInd, so the voices are maInly In two parts (men's and women's voices), splittIng to four parts (SATB) occasionAlly, where the words suggest it. The musical style Is remInIscent of the 19th century although the piano part does go Into 20th century style syncopation at times.
Below Is the EnglIsh translation by the poet, please turn the Closed CaptionIng on for best experience. Time drifts on between each breath for you and I When your destInation arrives, have your dreams gone to rest? Body and MInd worn out between each... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getNext().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">moreIsplay:none;">Below Is the EnglIsh translation by the poet, please turn the Closed CaptionIng on for best experience. Time drifts on between each breath for you and I When your destInation arrives, have your dreams gone to rest? Body and MInd worn out between each sunset and sunrIse When calamity strikes, would then your heart return home? As one act after another plays out, unfamiliarity of nonexIstence SeekIng and searchIng, how to lInk pearls on a broken strIng? How to sIng the mIssIng notes? If tomorrow were your next life How would you spend your day today? If tomorrow were your next life How would you spend your day today? Use warmth to safeguard life from withIn Let each wave leave its trace behInd Use MIndfulness to protect wellbeIng Let the wheel of life be given light Translator: LIndsay Chang / Tiffany Hsu Conductor: Meng-Hsien PENG PianIst: Nai-Chia WANG Audio RecordIng EngIneer: Chao-Hui WANG Performance: Müller Chamber Choir Performed at National Concert HAll, Taipei, Taiwan 9 J... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(thIs).getParent().getPrevious().style.dIsplay='';$(thIs).getParent().style.dIsplay='none';">less
One of our favorites and thee most Beautiful carol we have sung thIs year and Is on out new CD. Hope you enjoy it thIs fIne crIsp and frosty evenIng.
A Beautiful Kenyan rendition of Luiya origIn
In 2015 more than 450 sIngers came from 10 countries to share their musical knowledge and sIng together In one of the most Beautiful parts of Italy. We can proudly say that not only the festival scene Is stunnIng but the performances always amaze as well...
As a Non-Profit Company we rely upon the kIndness of funders and sponsors. Apart from wantIng to create Beautiful music and promote our local composers, the most important goal Is that our regIstered members will be able to sustaIn themselves by earnIng a...
Acappellago Concert 12/6/2009 Naperville Congregational Church
[thIs Is a version of a post which first appeared on My blog From the Front of the Choir] I love My job, I reAlly do. I just need some space and a bunch of people and we will make Beautiful music together. Photo by Heather JennIngs &...