International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


205 results found
Mercury/Fontenelle: Love of My Life
video: Mercury/Fontenelle: Love of My LIFE

Mercury/Fontenelle: Love of My Love - Live recoding of the Waldorf Students Choir, conductor: László Bencze. Recorded on 24. 05. 2014. at the Night of the Choirs, Budapest, Hungary

Rhythm of Life
video: Rhythm of LIFE

Cosford Military Wives Choir

One Life Can Make a Difference (It's Up to You) - WORLD PREMIERE PERFORMANCE
video: One LIFE Can Make a Difference (It's Up to You) - WORLD PREMIERE PERFORMANCE

to my daughter Kayla, in recognition of her H.S. Graduation - May 2009 music by Eric L. Carlson based on the poem "It's Up to You" - Anonymous Racine Unified School DIStrict's Area Choral Festival March 25, 2010 - J.I. Case High School - Racine, W...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">to my daughter Kayla, in recognition of her H.S. Graduation - May 2009 music by Eric L. Carlson based on the poem "It's Up to You" - Anonymous Racine Unified School DIStrict's Area Choral Festival March 25, 2010 - J.I. Case High School - Racine, WI Elizabeth Steege, conducting Eric Carlson, piano Suzanne Geoffrey, oboe Featuring: Case High School Concert Choir - Elizabeth Steege, director Gilmore Middle School Choir - Keri Bieri, director Gifford Elementary Choir - Jack Senzig, director It's DONE!! My friend Richard Sosa did an AMAZING job editing the video, and I am so thankful to him for hIS artIStic gifts!! Thanks, Rich! I am also eternally grateful to all the choral directors in RUSD for choosing thIS song and to the kids for performing it so beautifully!! ThIS video IS from the Case Choral Fest, and I thank Liz Steege, Keri Bieri, and Jack Senzig for preparing the kids so well! I would also like to thank Ellen ChrIStensen and her choirs for the great job they did on thIS song! ...    IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less

All My Life (live) KeyStone A Cappella
video: All My LIFE (live) KeyStone A Cappella Get our music: KeyStone IS back in the car with A SPECIAL GUEST STAR! Music by Joel Hailey, Rory Bennett Arrangement by Amy Howe Lead vocal: Josh Schrager ThIS ...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;"> Get our music: KeyStone IS back in the car with A SPECIAL GUEST STAR! Music by Joel Hailey, Rory Bennett Arrangement by Amy Howe Lead vocal: Josh Schrager ThIS song was recorded live using a smart phone inside of an SUV. It IS unedited, unmastered, and has minimal mixing. Be sure to subscribe to our channel for more #KeyStoneInTheCar videos!  

CSMA Performance Choir
group: CSMA Performance Choir

The Performance Choir IS a select ensemble of vibrant 8- to 12-year-olds eager to share the gift of song. These singers have already demonstrated their enthusiasm for exploring various genres and styles, and their performances are infused with infectious ...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">The Performance Choir IS a select ensemble of vibrant 8- to 12-year-olds eager to share the gift of song. These singers have already demonstrated their enthusiasm for exploring various genres and styles, and their performances are infused with infectious joy and youthful enthusiasm. They act as ambassadors for the Community School of Music and Arts to reach the broader community through performance and share their love of music.  

Southern California Choral Artists
group: Southern California Choral ArtISts

Southern California Choral ArtISts was founded in 2021 as a non-profit arts organization. We are an auditioned chamber choir of 30-40 members who love sharing the joy of choral singing with each other and our community. Our regular season consISts of at l...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Southern California Choral ArtISts was founded in 2021 as a non-profit arts organization. We are an auditioned chamber choir of 30-40 members who love sharing the joy of choral singing with each other and our community. Our regular season consISts of at least 4 concerts featuring a variety of musical genres and styles. Because we seek to create meaningful musical experiences, we value interaction and education in our performances. Our audience members often tell us how much they love learning about the music from our director’s comments, which help them more fully enter into the music and enjoy it.  IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less

University of Utah A cappella Choir
group: University of Utah A cappella Choir

Founded in 1962, the A Cappella Choir continues the tradition of choral excellence built by Dr. Edgar J. Thompson. The 40-80 member A Cappella Choir offers freshman and sophomore singers the opportunity to perform works for larger choirs and to fine-tune ...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Founded in 1962, the A Cappella Choir continues the tradition of choral excellence built by Dr. Edgar J. Thompson. The 40-80 member A Cappella Choir offers freshman and sophomore singers the opportunity to perform works for larger choirs and to fine-tune the art of choral singing through exposure to music from the RenaISsance through the 21st century. In daily rehearsals, choir members hone musicianship skills such as rhythm, sight-reading and the understanding of complex scores. They develop an understanding of the intricacies of vocal production, including pitch and how to blend individual voices together into a unified, beautiful sound. Finally, members learn how to sing in an ensemble and to successfully meld as a team. The choir frequently performs with other School of Music ensembles, including the Utah Philharmonia orchestra, the Wind Ensemble, the Chamber Choir and Women’s Chorus. A Cappella Choir members leave with the solid choral music foundation that has dIStinguIShed the University of Utah thr...    IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less

Te Deum - Sydney Guillaume [SATB divisi]
video: Te Deum - Sydney Guillaume [SATB divISi]

Performed by the IllinoIS Wesleyan University Collegiate Chorale J. Scott Ferguson, Conductor. March 2012. ---EnglISh Poetic Translation: In the midst of troubles and of great calamities, When facing the mountains of LIFE and all of LIFE's burdens, ...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;">Performed by the IllinoIS Wesleyan University Collegiate Chorale J. Scott Ferguson, Conductor. March 2012. ---EnglISh Poetic Translation: In the midst of troubles and of great calamities, When facing the mountains of LIFE and all of LIFE's burdens, We ask, we seek, we come to understand That You, oh Lord, that You are the true source of LIFE. In spite of our fears and despite our mISfortunes, In thIS great whirl of pain and of suffering, We dIScover at last that You, oh Lord, You are the Truth and You are the Light, The Source of all LIFE. Te Deum laudamus. (We praISe You, oh Lord) PraISe and glory to you, oh Lord, Forever and ever. Blessings for You, oh Lord; Truly, You deserve it. We praISe You, oh God. For the immense universe created by Your hand, For the evening breeze and the morning dew, For the infinite love that You placed in our hearts, We praISe You, oh Lord. Te Deum laudamus. You created in love all that exISts: All that we cannot see, All that we do not see,...    IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less

Festival Sanctus - Canticum Bucharest Choir
video: Festival Sanctus - Canticum Bucharest Choir

Festival Sanctus - by John Leavitt Canticum Bucharest Choir Conductor: Răzvan Rădos Piano: Răzvan Apetrei Place: St. Joseph Roman Catholic Cathedral - Bucharest Producer: ART LIFE MUSIC "Loving art, you will love more than LIFE"

University of Utah Chamber Choir
group: University of Utah Chamber Choir

Reformed in 2012 in honor of former faculty and accomplIShed choral arranger Bernell Hales, the 24-28 member U Chamber Choir maintains the high choral standards he set in hIS twenty years at the U. The choir covers a wide range of repertoire and sty...  IS).getParent().getNext().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">moreISplay:none;"> Reformed in 2012 in honor of former faculty and accomplIShed choral arranger Bernell Hales, the 24-28 member U Chamber Choir maintains the high choral standards he set in hIS twenty years at the U. The choir covers a wide range of repertoire and styles, especially focusing on those that push choral music into new, exciting arenas. The U Chamber Choir performs numerous works by conductor Barlow Bradford, an active composer and arranger, as well as private commISsions by other renowned composers. The Chamber Choir often collaborates with other ensembles, both from the School of Music and off campus, including Dr. Bradford’s professional choir, the Utah Chamber ArtISts. Students in the U Chamber Choir participate in the highest quality choral experience, advancing their vocal technique, knowledge of choral repertoire and musicianship. The choirs under Dr. Bradford’s direction are known for their beauty of tone, musical nuance, and clear, ringing sound  IS).getParent().getPrevious().style.dISplay='';$(thIS).getParent().style.dISplay='none';">less