A traditional favourite for Male Voice Choirs. Our interpretation as performed at Sherborne Abbey, Dorset, UK in July 2015.
Calm is the Sea - A slide show of photos to showcase Bournemouth Male Voice Choir's CD - Sing for your Life To order a CD email cdsales@bournemouthmalechoir.co.uk or visit www.facebook.com/bournemouthmvc or www.bournemouthmalechoir.co.uk
Performed by Gresley Male Voice Choir June 2016 African Tune arranged KJ Dinham
Koleynu is a mixed-Voice acappella choir based in Ra'anana, Israel. We come from all over the world, but gather together to celebrate the joy of sharing music.
Eric Whitacre - The Seal Lullaby sung at The Battle of the Male Voice Choirs in Torquay, Devon March 2012 by Bournemouth Male Voice Choir. Please visit www.facebook.com/bournemouthmvc
Established in 1911 we celebrate our centenary this year (2011).
Some people just seem to be naturally ‘gifted’ singers. They seem to be so connected to their Voice that when they open their mouth to sing, it sounds pleasing. If you are One of those people, congratulations. If you are no...
Morte Criste sung by Gresley Male Voice Choir with former members at their 110 years Thanksgiving Concert March 2014
"Huntsmen's Chorus', from "Der Freischutz", by Weber, arranged Sydney Northcote. English translation Huw Lewis. Performed by Gresley Male Voice Choir, Swadlincote, UK, October 2016
Gresley Male Voice Choir singing at the Burton Town Hall , NAC Group Concert