270 results found
Who Is On The Lord’s Side (Hena Wo Wura Afa) - Frances R. Havergal (1877)
The hymn is related to The story of Moses when he returned from communing with God on The mount, And found The Israelites worshipping The golden calf. Moses indignantly stood in The gate of The camp And said, "Who is on The Lord's side? Let him come unto ... moreThe hymn is related to The story of Moses when he returned from communing with God on The mount, And found The Israelites worshipping The golden calf. Moses indignantly stood in The gate of The camp And said, "Who is on The Lord's side? Let him come unto me." (Exodus 32:26).
- The Musikteers Ensemble Gh
@VocalEssence Chorale
@The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square
@The Symphonials - Ghana
@The Sixteen
@The Gesualdo Six
@Hope Channel Ghana
@Voice Of Hope Ghana
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@Lordina The Soprano less
Bairstow: If The Lord had not helped me, sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds
Composed in 1910 in thanksgiving for The safe recovery of The Vicar of Leeds of The day from serious And potential life-threatening illness, 'If The Lord had not helped me' is of Bairstow's earliest masterpieces. The warmth of expression at The words 'Thy... moreComposed in 1910 in thanksgiving for The safe recovery of The Vicar of Leeds of The day from serious And potential life-threatening illness, 'If The Lord had not helped me' is of Bairstow's earliest masterpieces. The warmth of expression at The words 'Thy mercy, O Lord, held me up' achieves a consummate beauty so characteristic of Bairstow at his most deeply felt. A richly-scored bass solo is a notable characteristic of The work, And The grAndeur of The choral writing gives more than a hint of The terrific Easter-tide AnThem 'Sing ye to The Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously' that was The next year to follow from The composer's pen.
This performance was recorded in Leeds Minster on Sunday 28th April 2013 during The recital of 'Music with Minster connections' sung by St Peter's Singers of Leeds, directed by Dr Simon Lindley. The organist is David Houlder And The bass soloist is Quentin Brown.
Leeds Minster, formerly Leeds Parish Church, has a long And distinguished musical history. The list of organist... less
Lord I Want - Coral Santiago Apostol (31-03-2012)
"Lord I Want" (spiritual)
Tradicional norteamericana
Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos
Solistas: Paloma Zarza (contralto), Angeles Gómez del Pulgar (soprano)
Director: Mariano García
III Encuentro de Música Sacra de Casarrubuelos
... more"Lord I Want" (spiritual)
Tradicional norteamericana
Coral Santiago Apóstol de Casarrubuelos
Solistas: Paloma Zarza (contralto), Angeles Gómez del Pulgar (soprano)
Director: Mariano García
III Encuentro de Música Sacra de Casarrubuelos
31 de marzo de 2012
Parroquia Santiago Apóstol
Casarrubuelos (Madrid)
Mansions of The Lord
Thanet Male Voice Choir are proud to have sung at The Last Post Ceremony at The Menin Gate in Ypres on three occasions. This is a song that we have performed There each time. The song Mansions of The Lord is taken from The motion picture We Were Soldiers.... moreThanet Male Voice Choir are proud to have sung at The Last Post Ceremony at The Menin Gate in Ypres on three occasions. This is a song that we have performed There each time. The song Mansions of The Lord is taken from The motion picture We Were Soldiers.
We would be grateful if You could please leave Your location in The comments box, And please subscribe to our channel, as new videos will be posted
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Abɔfo Rekyin Yɛn Ho - O. G. Blankson (CAN 104)
The angel of The Lord encamps around those who fear Him,
And rescues Them.
O taste And see that The Lord is good;
How Blessed is The man who takes refuge in Him!
O fear The Lord, You His saints;
For to those who fear Him There is no want.
Psal... moreThe angel of The Lord encamps around those who fear Him,
And rescues Them.
O taste And see that The Lord is good;
How Blessed is The man who takes refuge in Him!
O fear The Lord, You His saints;
For to those who fear Him There is no want.
Psalm 34:7-9
- Musikteers Ensemble Gh
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@3ABN Praise Him
@Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN) less
J S Bach - St. John Passion BWV245): Lord, Lord And Master (chorus)
The St Peter's Singers of Leeds And St Peter's Chamber Orchestra, with Alan Horsey (harpsichord) And David Houlder (organ continuo), directed by Dr Simon Lindley, perform The opening chorus of Johann Sebastian Bach's masterwork St John Passion (BWV 245) ... moreThe St Peter's Singers of Leeds And St Peter's Chamber Orchestra, with Alan Horsey (harpsichord) And David Houlder (organ continuo), directed by Dr Simon Lindley, perform The opening chorus of Johann Sebastian Bach's masterwork St John Passion (BWV 245) at Leeds Town Hall on Monday 18th February 2013 as part of The Leeds International Concert Season.
More information about St Peter's Singers, including details of forthcoming events, can be found on our website, our Facebook group page 'St Peter's Singers of Leeds' And on Twitter (@SPSLeeds). less
My Soul's Been Anchored in The Lord - Salt Lake Vocal Artists
The Salt Lake Vocal Artists perform "My Soul's Been Anchored in The Lord" arr by Moses Hogan live in concert on October 31, 2010 in la iglesia de San Jorge, Santurtzi, Spain, under The direction of Dr. Brady Allred. My Soul's Been Anchored in The Lord wa... moreThe Salt Lake Vocal Artists perform "My Soul's Been Anchored in The Lord" arr by Moses Hogan live in concert on October 31, 2010 in la iglesia de San Jorge, Santurtzi, Spain, under The direction of Dr. Brady Allred. My Soul's Been Anchored in The Lord was performed as part of The Vocal Artists program for The Tolosa Choral Contest's "Sacred Music" category of competition, in which They were awarded First Prize.
Spain Tour: Oct. 23-Nov. 2, 2010
"Daniel, Daniel Servant of The Lord"
Palmetto Voices performing "Daniel, Daniel Servant of The Lord" arranged by Undine S. Moore, July 23, 2011 at St. James LuTheran Church in Sumter, South Carolina
Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd) in Dorian mode
Dorian mode setting of Psalm 23 by David W Solomons
The Lord is my shepherd I shall lack nothing
He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me along The still waters.
He restores my soul And makes me walk
within The paths of righteousness
... moreDorian mode setting of Psalm 23 by David W Solomons
The Lord is my shepherd I shall lack nothing
He makes me lie down in green pastures
He leads me along The still waters.
He restores my soul And makes me walk
within The paths of righteousness
for His name's sake
Yea, though I walk in death's dark vale yet I will fear no evil
for You are with me Your rod And Your staff comfort me still
You have furnished my table in The presence of my foes
my head You anoint with oil And my cup overflows
Goodness And mercy all my life shall surely follow me
And my dwelling place shall be in God's house evermore. less