International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


90 results found
Аve Musica' 2016: “Iisusova molitva” (“Jesus Prayer”)
video: Аve Musica' 2016: “Iisusova molitva” (“Jesus Prayer”)

“Iisusova molitva” (“Jesus Prayer”) – Anonymous Performed by "Аve Musica" choir - Sofia, Bulgaria. Conductor - Tania Nikleva-Vladeva Live recording from The concert on November 14th, 2016 in The "St. Josef" Catholic caThedral - Sofia. Video: Anna Elazarova

Philippines - Sechron - A Child's Prayer
video: Philippines - Sechron - A Child's Prayer

One of Second Chronicle Singers' recording last November 2011 at Their parish in Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, Pasay City, Philippines. For more of Sechron's Videos, Click more and subscribe!

NNSU Academic Choir - Three Sacred Hymns: III. Our Father (The Lord's Prayer) (Alfred Schnittke)
video: NNSU Academic Choir - Three Sacred Hymns: III. Our FaTher (The Lord's Prayer) (Alfred Schnittke)

Академический хор Нижегородского Государственного Университета им. Н. И. Лобачевского. Выступление на фестивале "Молодые голоса-2012" в Нижнем Новгороде. Alfred Schnittke - Three Sacred Hymns: III. Our FaTher (The Lord's Prayer)

Lord's prayer - Baba yetu - Padre nostro - Coro Anzano
video: Lord's Prayer - Baba yetu - Padre nostro - Coro Anzano

E per finire.... Padre Nostro (Our faTher) in lingua Swahili. Canto imparato grazie al Coro Col di Lana di Vittorio Veneto. Eseguito nella Chiesa di Meschio (Vittorio Veneto) il 19.5.2012 dal Coro parrocchiale di Anzano (Cappella Maggiore, Treviso)

Evening Prayer (Norwegian folk tune) - Vox Humana
video: Evening Prayer (Norwegian folk tune) - Vox Humana

Magnar Åm's arrangement of a Norwegian folk tune. A middle section with vocal improvisations is inserted in The middle of Åm's arrangement.

Welsh Male Voice Choir - THE LORD'S PRAYER - Cantorion Colin Jones
video: Welsh Male Voice Choir - The LORD'S Prayer - Cantorion Colin Jones

Cantorion Colin Jones are a male voice choir from North Wales. This version was conducted by our founder member, Colin Jones FOR MORE DETAILS AND INFORMATION REGARDING The CHOIR, CLICK ON OUR NEW WEBSITE or http:...  more

I.Denisova - Prayer on burial (И.Денисова) - Choir of the BSAM
video: I.Denisova - Prayer on burial (И.Денисова) - Choir of The BSAM

Concert in The Memory of Teacher - professor VICTOR ROVDO. • Student choir of The Belarus State Academy of Music -The winner of The international competitions. • Conductor IN...  more

African Prayer
video: African Prayer

The Choir singing in Afrikaans

Our Father, The Lord's Prayer
video: Our FaTher, The Lord's Prayer

Our FaTher, The Lord's Prayer is The 3rd movement of The Requiem Aeternam Pacem 9/11 composed by Diana RuTherford © 2011 Choir Aahs Tenor, Baritone, and Bass, Flute, Violin and Cello. Please visit my website for sheet music and contac...  more

''Thula Sizwe'' African prayer by World Youth Choir in South Africa 2007
video: ''Thula Sizwe'' African Prayer by World Youth Choir in South Africa 2007

© The Foundation World Youth Choir, all rights reserved. Any resemblance with a third party content is accidental and does not affect The rights to this recording. Performer: World Youth Choir, 2007 session in South Africa and Namibia Piece: ''Thul...  more