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You Are the New Day | The Girl Choir of South Florida
"You Are the New Day" by John David. Originally performed by The King's Singers.
Recorded live on June 4, 2013, at Christ Lutheran Church in Oakland Park, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Dir... more"You Are the New Day" by John David. Originally performed by The King's Singers.
Recorded live on June 4, 2013, at Christ Lutheran Church in Oakland Park, Florida. Performed by the Concert Choir ensemble of the Girl Choir of South Florida. Artistic Director: Wallis Peterson.
You are the new Day
You are the new Day
I will love you more than me
and more than yesterDay
If you can but prove to me
you are the new Day
Send the sun in time for dawn
Let the birds all hail the morning
Love of life will urge me say
you are the new Day
When I lay me down at night
knowing we must pay
Thoughts occur that this night might
stay yesterDay
Thoughts that we as humans small
could slow worlds and end it all
lie around me where they fall
Before the new Day
One more Day when time is running out
for everyone
Like a breath I knew would come I reach for
the new Day
Hope is My philosophy
Just needs Days in which to Be
Love of life means hope for me
borne on a new Day
You are the new Day less
New singing weekends and new website!
I'm delighted to Be able to announce that a brand new, full responsive version of My website will go live Tomorrow, TuesDay 25 SeptemBer 2018:
This will coincide with My twice-yearly newsletter going out ...
You are the new Day
8° Festival della Coralità Veneta
Venezia 25-26 OctoBer 2014
"Another Day in Paradise" - Kärntner Landesjugendchor
"Another Day in Paradise" von Phil Collins & Hugh Padgham (Arr.: Theresa Hemedinger), gesungen vom Kärntner Landesjugendchor,
Leitung: Bernhard WolfsgruBer, Solo: Lukas Joham
(aufgenommen am 12. Mai 2013 in Spittal an der Drau)
Best Day of My Life Cool Choir
Cool Choir Performs 'Best Day of My Life' by American Authors at the Bella Concert Hall, Calgary
Visit for more information
Twitter @coolchoir
11 Things to Avoid Doing at the First Rehearsal (High School)
(A version of this article first appeared as a post on My blog Choral Clarity)
Prior to My first Day of teaching high school, I was given advice from the person who had just hired me. He told me exactly what I should do on the first Day. He ...
evening morning Day | Radcliffe Choral Society
"evening morning Day" by David Lang. Text from the Book of Genesis 1.
Recorded live on March 16, 2015, at First Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Radcliffe Choral Society of Harvard University. Director: Beth Willer.
... more"evening morning Day" by David Lang. Text from the Book of Genesis 1.
Recorded live on March 16, 2015, at First Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Performed by the Radcliffe Choral Society of Harvard University. Director: Beth Willer.
The composer writes: "I wanted to make a piece about the creation story but I didn't want to highlight one religion's or culture's narrative over another."
"It was important for me to try to find something universal, something present in all stories, or common to all cultures. I hit upon the idea of making a kind of checklist of everything that needed to Be created to get the world to this point, without each individual culture's stories or Myths or exoticisms. I went back to the first chapter of Genesis, to see what I could get out of My own culture's story, and I stripped away all the descriptions, adjectives, connectors and motivators. All that is left of Genesis in My text are the nouns, leaving a dispassionate list of everything created, in the order in ... less
One Day More by Solemne
Sounds of June
A Benefit concert for OLPH Multi-purpose Hall Project
28 June 2013
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Jersey Road, Project 8, Quezon City