7,645 results found
Acappella Grup 34
Acappella Grup 34 was founded on 15th June 2004 in İstanbul with the participation of experienced amateur choristers who have set their hearts on polyphonic Music with the aim of performing acappella Choir Music,lack of which is percieved in Turkey and ba... moreAcappella Grup 34 was founded on 15th June 2004 in İstanbul with the participation of experienced amateur choristers who have set their hearts on polyphonic Music with the aim of performing acappella Choir Music,lack of which is percieved in Turkey and basically in İstanbul, without the consideration of profitting.
Every year the Choir adds a different kinds of Music to its repertoire as long as they’re acappella and produces at least 2 relevant projects in every performance year. All the repertoires contains just unique compositions or arrangements for Acappella Grup 34 Choir.
The Choir take part in festivals whether in Turkey and abroad, produces common pojects with the local & foreign Musicians / groups, work with guest conductors and perform at least 1 concert out of Istanbul in every performance year.
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Nunc Dimittis to the Music of Sir Arthur Sullivan
Nunc Dimittis with Music based on The Long Day Closes by Sir Arthur Sullivan
Arranged by Duncan Saunderson
The score is available direct from Duncan Saunderson at
dsdsaunderson [at]
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant
depart in pea... moreNunc Dimittis with Music based on The Long Day Closes by Sir Arthur Sullivan
Arranged by Duncan Saunderson
The score is available direct from Duncan Saunderson at
dsdsaunderson [at]
Lord, now lettest thou thy servant
depart in peace
according to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen
thy salvation,
Which thou hast prepared before
the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten
the Gentiles
and to be the glory of
thy people Israel.
Glory be to the
and to the Son
and to the Holy Ghost
As it was in
the beginning
Is now and ever
shall be
World without end
Amen less
The Ingenium Academy Choir
The Ingenium Academy Choir forms once a year at the Ingenium Academy International Summer School for Music, based in Winchester College, England.
Our diverse vocal programme is for 14-18 year olds who love to sing, are keen to develop their choral tech... moreThe Ingenium Academy Choir forms once a year at the Ingenium Academy International Summer School for Music, based in Winchester College, England.
Our diverse vocal programme is for 14-18 year olds who love to sing, are keen to develop their choral technique, improve their ensemble singing and explore a diverse range of vocal styles.
We sing a challenging and exciting repertoire encompassing many genres, and ensure that students gain a deep understanding of these Musical styles through the guidance of sectional tutors and voice specialists. less
La Pantera Mambo
Performed by the women of Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "UKA 'Round The World" on May 16, 2017.
Solo's by Silke Bauters and Marylyn Mys.
Piano: Peter Jeurissen
Percussion: Stijn Dierckx
Camera: Jelmer Lokman, Robin Van Limber... morePerformed by the women of Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "UKA 'Round The World" on May 16, 2017.
Solo's by Silke Bauters and Marylyn Mys.
Piano: Peter Jeurissen
Percussion: Stijn Dierckx
Camera: Jelmer Lokman, Robin Van Limbergen, Ben Verhaegen, Mike Vancolard
Followed by a traditional Hakka from New Zealand by the men of Universitair Koor Antwerpen.
Voces Blancas JdF
Una suave melodía. Unas tímidas notas. Remolinos de sensaciones que se agolpan por salir. Susurros. Silencio. Sueños. Sentimientos a flor de piel. Una voz de muchas almas. Un alma en la voz. Cada días luchamos por conseguirlo. Y así, creando armonías, una... moreUna suave melodía. Unas tímidas notas. Remolinos de sensaciones que se agolpan por salir. Susurros. Silencio. Sueños. Sentimientos a flor de piel. Una voz de muchas almas. Un alma en la voz. Cada días luchamos por conseguirlo. Y así, creando armonías, una treintena de voces femeninas nos unimos para poder hacer realidad aquello que más queremos, música. Con orígenes Musicales distintos, como son el Coro de la Politécnica y el Coro de Jóvenes de la Comunidad de Madrid, buscamos cobijo bajo la rigurosa y expresiva mano de nuestro maestro, José de Felipe, que siempre nos ha guiado ya fuese desde nuestro nacimiento o desarrollo Musical. Así, queriendo dedicarle una pequeña muestra de nuestro respeto y agradecimiento por su arduo trabajo con todas nosotras, nuestra agrupación lleva su nombre con orgullo: Voces Blancas José de Felipe. less
Coral Ad Libitum de Puerto Rico, Inc.
Ad Libitum Choir represents the new faces over the coral Music in Puerto Rico. Is a non profit organization that provides the resources and skills as necessary to perform great and marvelous choral Music.
Picturehouse Choir
Based in Manchester's iconic Band on the Wall venue we are an open access mixed Choir. No auditions and no need to read Music. We sing a mix of world, gospel pop and folk Music often with a left leaning theme. We attend annual Sing for Water events in Lon... moreBased in Manchester's iconic Band on the Wall venue we are an open access mixed Choir. No auditions and no need to read Music. We sing a mix of world, gospel pop and folk Music often with a left leaning theme. We attend annual Sing for Water events in London and Manchester and Street Choirs Festival. Very welcoming and all ages.
I.Denisova - Prayer on burial (И.Денисова) - Choir of the BSAM
Concert in the Memory of Teacher - professor VICTOR ROVDO.
• Student Choir of the Belarus State Academy of Music -the winner of the international competitions.
• Conductor IN... moreConcert in the Memory of Teacher - professor VICTOR ROVDO.
• Student Choir of the Belarus State Academy of Music -the winner of the international competitions.
• Conductor INESSA BODYAKO - the winner of the international competitions, the senior lecturer of the Belarus State Academy of Music .
The concert took place in Minsk Great Philharmonic Hall on November 17, 2010.
Stabat Mater 'Amen' by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Stabat Mater 'Amen' by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Cantores Celestes Women's Choir
LIVE in CONCERT May 4, 2019
Celebrating 30 years
Kelly Galbraith, director
Stephen Boda, organ
Emperor Quartet
Ryan Harper, recording engineer
Kelly Galbraith, producer