Nizhny Novgorod State University Choir (NNSU Choir) - Supermassive Black Hole - M. BellaMy - MUSE (arr. A. Baraev). Contest performance at the World Choir Games Riga 2014 - Popular Choral Music. Академический хор ННГУ им Н. И. Лобачевского (Хор ННГУ) -... Ink" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$(this).getParent().getNext().style.display='';$(this).getParent().style.display='none';">more
There is power In sIngIng In choirs. These are just a few of My thoughts. I'd love to hear if your reasons are similar!
A podcast featurIng classical Music with visuals about the Covid-19 Virus and its place In history.
Music played for the Toni and Trish house In Midland at Assumption Church In 2014.
we are a concert choir that aims to perform the fInest Music In the fInest venues
Coro et Al World Music Festival 2012
As a Non-Profit Company we rely upon the kIndness of funders and sponsors. Apart from wantIng to create beautiful Music and promote our local composers, the most important goal is that our registered members will be able to sustaIn themselves by earnIng a...
There were people In this world who have given me more than I have given so far. One such example was AngelIna Nicolaidou. A very special person who transformed Into a great friend. She took My Music to Europe and Introduced me to a group of wonderful p...
Wow.....So great to be on the sit... Hey peeps... I''m new... but i love sIngIng and Music.... I'm currently In Netherlands workIng for a year and next year I'm comIng to Stellenboch.. I would really like it if some of you that are currently In to...
A first performance of this new work by David BennIng. Many thanks to the UC Davis Summer Chorus, and the UC Davis Music Department for their support. Also, many thanks to Andrew Hudson for leadIng us and shapIng the piece.