by Imo City Chorale and Orchestra Owerri
V Всероссийский хоровой фестиваль духовной музыки Саров
The official college choir of UST- CRS.
Arrangement: Mack Wilberg Performed by Universitair Koor Antwerpen at their Spring Concert "Blast From The Past" on May 12, 2015.
Enjoy as The Cottontown Chorus sing Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls. Thank you for watching. The arrangement is available to purchase from Please visit our website and why not say hel... more
[this is a version of a post which first appeared on my blog From the Front of the Choir] I’m going to fess up here: I’ve never really been in a choir. Choir of the Munich University of Applied Sciences by Mark Kam...
The Sound of Sunshine Show Chorus (SOS for short) is Central Florida’s chapter of Sweet Adelines InterNational, located in Orlando, FL. Our members come from many surrounding counties just to sing with our award winning Chorus, and enjoy the special camar... more
Z. Randall Stroope's Lamentations of Jeremiah Performed by by The Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus 香港合唱新力量2011 HK InterNational Youth and Children's Choir Festival
The Brocal Chords perform at the Drake University Relay for Life fundraiser.
V Всероссийский хоровой фестиваль духовной музыки Саров