Absolute winner of Praga Cantat 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. Aceh Folksong. Arranged by Fero Aldiansya Stefanus Conducted by Jefry Franklin Bode
One of the world’s most celebrated ensembles, The King’s Singers have a packed schedule of concerts, recordings, media and education work that spans the globe. Championing the work of young and established composers, they remain consummate entertainers; a... more
The Richmond Singers is a 55 voice women’s choir which began performing in 1971. Our purpose is “to sing, in harmony, a variety of music for the enjoyment of the members as well as to give public and private performances for the listening pleasure of othe... more
We are a lively and entertaining group of female a cappella Singers based in Woodley near Reading in Berkshire U.K. The Barberettes consistently reach the finals of the LABBS (Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers) national competitions and ... more
Founded in 2001 by Cyrille Rault-Gregorio, the choir of the “Chambre Arthémys” is comprised of 18 Singers chosen especially for their vocal and musical talents. These Singers also perform as soloists. The group would like to promote their vast repertoire ... more
Cor Flammae is Vancouver's summer chorus of classically trained, queer Singers, performing queer content. Composed from the ranks of the city's top-flight choral ensembles and Singers, the choir seeks to reveal the hidden queer heritage often ignored in t... more
http://igg.me/at/stpetersSingers St Peter's Singers of Leeds perform Thomas Tallis O Nata Lux during a concert at Thornhill Parish Church 14 March 2009. The choir are conducted by their director of music Dr Simon Lindley O nata lux de lumine, Jesu red... more
The New Jersey Chamber Singers (NJCS) perform Danny Boy www.njchamberSingers.org Artistic Director Reid Masters recording engineer John Baker O Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling from glen to glen and down hte mountainside the summer's ... more
攝錄於2011年8月20日Ponte Singers 「聲.華」合唱音樂會 香港演藝學院賽馬會演藝劇場 HKAPA Amphitheatre 指揮: 林屴汧 Composed and Conducted by Stephen LAM The song is inspired by a famous Chinese Poem "Error" by Zheng Chouyu (1933). The song is arranged with modern vocal effect and tech... more
Maranatha Christian University Choir. Agustinus Bambang Jusana, conductor. Photos by Eric Jodhy. Live recording at Pelgrimskerk, Badhoevedorp - The Netherlands, 2014. Indonesian Mass is a project of combining Indonesian folk music elements and Weste... more