International Choir Festival InCanto Mediterraneo


97 results found
That Choir
group: That Choir

Now in its 3rd year, That Choir combines a high level of performance with a Deep love of the choral art as one of Toronto’s newest choral groups. That Choir was formed in the spring of 2008 by Craig Pike and 14 of his actor friends who wanted to create an...  more

group: Teddington Choral Society

TCS is currently composed of 120 singers. Our new Musical Director, Julian Collings joined the choir beginning of 2019. Over the last few years the choir has enjoyed a growing reputation for its repertoire of outstanding contemporary music alongside t...  more

blog: Tom Mckinney plugs ALBION in the caves

A recent Radio 3 plug: Tom McKinney from Radio 3 Classical Breakfast Show Sun 18th Oct 2015"I heard an incredible performance of that by the Albion choir, Deep underground in Peak Cavern in Castelton Derbyshire a few weeks ago. An amazing place for cho...

Down By the River...Thames
video: Down By the River...Thames

One Voice Community Choir with Inder Goldfinger on Drum. We enjoyed an audience with Her Majesty the Queen, the Prime Minister and other international dignitaries at Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth observance service 2009.

blog: Paris Music Festival 2023 (France)

12th International choir and orchestra festival in Paris (France)23.08. - 27.08.2023 PARIS - city of love, dreams and sensesNobody can think of Paris without various associations and a multitude of pictures crossing their mind: the River Seine, the Hun...

Spinnaker Chorus of Portsmouth. 2015 Competition set (region 31 Uk)  #spinnakerchorus
video: Spinnaker Chorus of Portsmouth. 2015 Competition set (region 31 Uk) #spinnakerchorus

Sweet Adelines Womens Barbershop Chorus from Portsmouth UK : The Spinnaker Chorus! Singing for the 5th place medal in Nottingham, With a fun nod to Beyonce! Thanks for all your support and well wishes xxxxxx

Opšaj diri (Croatia)
video: Opšaj diri (Croatia)

Dance song. 1. Hey people, people, Here is your liberty 2. Vibrant is the lilac tree, My beloved is a partisan 3. On the other side of the Morave (River in Croatia) a girl is reading the newspaper This outdoor performance was the culmination o...  more

Columbia River Chorus
group: Columbia River Chorus

We are a chorus of Sweet Adelines, International based in Vancouver, Washington. We welcome women of all ages and a wide range of vocal/musical abilities. We work hard to improve as a group and as individuals. A significant portion of our repertoire is co...  more

Colores, Cd del Coro las Veredas.
video: Colores, Cd del Coro las Veredas.

Making-of de las sesiones de grabación del Cd "Colores" del Coro del Colegio Público Las Veredas, Colmenarejo, Madrid, España, y de la colaboración en el Cd "Mosaico" de Rayden. Música: Rolling in the Deep (Adele) Solistas: María Pérez Penco y Patricia Ca...  more

Onyenw'anyi mee ebere
video: Onyenw'anyi mee ebere

A beautiful liturgical hymns (Kyrie) in Igbo language to rouse the spirits of the lay apostolate in Deep penitential mood for the holy Eucharistic celebration.