Mistango Choir Festival


184 results found
Jakub Neske - Deus Ex Machina
video: Jakub Neske - Deus Ex Machina

'Deus Ex Machina' is a piece composed by award-winning Polish composer of the young generation, Jakub Neske. The text for the piece was written by Bartholomew Begley, a Dublin-based philosophy lecturer who works on philosophical translations of early mode...  more

Me Singing Barber
video: Me Singing Barber

Me singing all the parts to Barber's agnus Dei

VII. Domine Fili Unigenite - Vivaldi (Gloria)
video: VII. Domine Fili Unigenite - Vivaldi (Gloria)

上帝的獨生子 Domine Fili Unigenite 整曲充滿歡欣鼓舞的氣氛,活潑有力、節奏輕快。一開始女低音與男低音分別以活潑靈巧及 平穩肯定的感覺唱出主題,接著女高音與男高音再以模仿方式敘述主題。中間部分則以平穩 的節奏,以卡農的方式交替唱出,彷彿是內心對上帝的自我告白。最後由男高音首先再次帶 出歡樂的主題,直到結束,前後段相呼應。而低音部的伴奏則以附點八分音符不斷的奏出, 更將整段讚美聖子的精神表露無遺。 指揮: 翁佳芬 伴奏: 巴洛克獨奏家樂團 時間: 2007/12/11...  more

Scheidt-Miserere mei Deus
video: Scheidt-Miserere mei Deus

Eliza's Toyes performed "Miserere mei Deus" by Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654), at Wisconsin Public Radio's "Live from the Chazen" concert series, hosted by Lori Skelton. November 25, 2012, Chazen Museum of Art, Madison ,WI. Deb Heilert, soprano Peter Grue...  more

blog: Singing for peace

You can now see members of The Really Big Chorus doing their bit for the Global Sing for Peace, recording the agnus Dei from Karl Jenkins 'The Armed Man'  at Abbey Road Studios in June (see the video here).  More of us are recently ret...

David Rain: "Da pacem Domine" (sung by Matthew Curtis)
video: David Rain: "Da pacem Domine" (sung by Matthew Curtis)

"Da pacem Domine" is dedicated to two of my dear relatives named James. I felt the inspiration to start this piece in the weeks leading up to the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, in which my dear grandfather Jimmy Rain (1895-1974) had serv...  more

Confirma Hoc Deus - CSA Mostoles 09-03-2013
video: Confirma Hoc Deus - CSA Mostoles 09-03-2013

Confirma Hoc Deus. György Deak-Bardos. Sacred Music Concert. Coral Santiago Apostol Performed in Mostoles, Madrid, Spain, 09th March, 2013

Arvo Pärt: Da Pacem Domine 請賜平安
video: Arvo Pärt: Da Pacem Domine 請賜平安

2013.5.20 北歐音畫夏季音樂會 2 大東文化藝術中心演藝廳 指揮: 科勒.漢肯 Kåre Hanken Da pacem Domine - Arvo Pärt 請賜平安 - 佩爾特 愛沙尼亞當代著名作曲家佩爾特(Arvo Pärt, 1935-),1976年起,他創造出以單一和弦支撐全曲結構的作曲手法,如教堂的單一鐘聲般,稱為「鐘」(tintinnabuli)手法,代表作為〈聖母讚主曲〉(Magnificat, 1989)。〈請賜平安〉是2004年受西班牙古樂專家沙瓦爾(J...  more