67 results found
Sing a New Song to the Lord
This setting of the 98th Psalm (Sing a new song to the Lord for he has worked wonders.)
comes originally from my cantata “The Manchester Magnificat”,
based on Audrey Vaughan’s poems about the religious and social history of the city.
The oratorio was... moreThis setting of the 98th Psalm (Sing a new song to the Lord for he has worked wonders.)
comes originally from my cantata “The Manchester Magnificat”,
based on Audrey Vaughan’s poems about the religious and social history of the city.
The oratorio was first performed in Manchester Cathedral in 1994.
This psalm forms the climax of the whole cantata and provides an expression of optimism after the
tragedies of the previous sections.
In this “extracted” version, the tragic surroundings of the history remain
in the background and the purebubbling joy of the psalm itself shines forth.
Enjoy the complex rhythms and let your hair down!
This performance by Daniel Shaw's Composer's Choir (based in Connecticut)
is a brilliant rendition of the piece and will, I hope,
encourage other church choirs and concert choirs to consider including it in their repertoire.
Nunc Dimittis (in English) SATB a cappella (Basden)
No divisi parts – suitable for a quartet.
In English (BCP 1662)
Free sheet music. Please get in touch!
• facebook: david [dot] basden.9
• New email: deebee123 [at]
There's a matching Magnificat setting on the way. Watch this space!
Vesperae Solennes de Confessore KV339, W. A. Mozart. Magnificat. Puerto de la Cruz. Tenerife
Coral Reyes Bartlet
KV Ensemble
José Híjar Polo, Maestro de Coro
José María de Vicente, Director
Carmen Acosta, Soprano
Cristina Farrais, Alto
Carlos Méndez, Tenor
Augusto Brito, Bajo
Iluminación Iec
Concetta Rizza, Vídeo
Luis Acuña, Sonido
... moreCoral Reyes Bartlet
KV Ensemble
José Híjar Polo, Maestro de Coro
José María de Vicente, Director
Carmen Acosta, Soprano
Cristina Farrais, Alto
Carlos Méndez, Tenor
Augusto Brito, Bajo
Iluminación Iec
Concetta Rizza, Vídeo
Luis Acuña, Sonido
Concierto de clausura del 40 Aniversario de la Coral Reyes Bartlet
Puerto de la Cruz, Iglesia de la Peña de Francia, 19 de diciembre de 2010
Ant. ad Magn. Hodie egressa est (greg.) - T.L. de Victoria, Magnificat primi toni a doppio coro
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
Vespro della Beata Vergine
Ricostruzione a cura di Antonio e Gaetano Magarelli
Cappella Musicale Corradiana, coro e concerto degli ottoni
Gaetano Magarelli, organo
Antonella Parisi, viola da gamba
Antonio Magare... moreTomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)
Vespro della Beata Vergine
Ricostruzione a cura di Antonio e Gaetano Magarelli
Cappella Musicale Corradiana, coro e concerto degli ottoni
Gaetano Magarelli, organo
Antonella Parisi, viola da gamba
Antonio Magarelli, direttore
Registrazione live durante una prova tenuta presso la Chiesa di San Pietro in Molfetta (ottobre 2019).
Lux Choir: O Adonai by Arvo Pärt
Lux Choir sings Arvo Pärt's O Adonai from his set, "Sieben Magnificat Antiphonen."
O quam gloriosum est regnum by Victoria
O quam gloriosum est regnum by Tomas Luis da Victoria sung (transposed down for men's voices) by the dwsChorale
written for All Saints, Second Vespers, Antiphon to the Magnificat - cf. Revelation 7:9
O quam gloriosum est regnum,
in quo cum Christo ga... moreO quam gloriosum est regnum by Tomas Luis da Victoria sung (transposed down for men's voices) by the dwsChorale
written for All Saints, Second Vespers, Antiphon to the Magnificat - cf. Revelation 7:9
O quam gloriosum est regnum,
in quo cum Christo gaudent omnes Sancti!
Amicti stolis albis,
sequuntur Agnum, quocumque ierit.
O, how glorious is the kingdom,
in which all the saints rejoice with Christ!
Arrayed in white robes,
they follow the Lamb, wherever He goes.