Grupo Vocal Reyes Bartlet Sopranos: Cristo Velázquez, Cisca Corduwener, Beatriz Rodríguez Altos: Olivia Perera, Manuela Mira, Hilda Rodríguez Tenores: david Perera, Rayco González, José Híjar Bajos: Alfonso López, Julio Hernández José Híjar Polo, dir... more
The Cantica Nova partecipate to the 53th International Competition of Choral Singing "Seghizzi" in Gorizia (Italy). Conductor Francesco Saverio Messina
Coro de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA, dir: Andrés Aciar
Our group is dedicated to the research and diffusion of ancient music, mainly Renaissance and Baroque. In addition to the European repertoire, we love Spanish and Hispanic music, both in Spanish and native languages. We also perform music for theater and ... more
Coro Música Esperanza Director: Carlos Andrés Aciar Ensayo abierto San Miguel De Tucumán 1993 Dedicado a Miguel Ángel Estrella
BEING MORE THAN THE SUM OF YOUR PARTS: "I can't make it to rehearsal tonight, but it's ok, I know all the notes, it won't make a difference if I'm not there" ...
Registrazione live del Concorso Corale Nazionale del Lago Maggiore - Verbania - Ottobre 2015
Festival Anima Mea 2015. Auditorium del Museo Diocesano di Molfetta - 30 settembre 2015 Cappella Musicale Corradiana Antonio Magarelli, direttore
Registrazione Live dal concerto "Festival Musicisti del mondo per il centro Italia" 28.05.2017, Siziano (PV), Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta in Campomorto Registrazione audio live a cura di Vittorio Villa Contatti: http://ensemblevocalemousike.weeb... more
A performance of Totuus Tuus SUM Maria by Victoria davison and Rudy Lupinski by The University Chorale of East Central University. Recorded in April, 2015. Dr. J. Steven Walker, conductor.